Thanks for the reply. I do have automatic pen color visibility adjustment turned on.
While AC does join walls properly, that does not always translate into having the core composites join properly, as you can see in the attached image.
Here is where the problem is most evidant. First, the drawing without any adjustment just isn't technically correct. The walls have to join properly, but so do the various composite layers, especially the core. In the image provided, the walls do join properly, but not the core composite.
Also, when creating a dwg file for civil/structural, etc, you then have to massage the information in the DWG file so that it appears correctly. In this case, the civil turns off all composites except the core as he/she doesn't care about stone, stucco, siding, etc. As such, the walls do not close properly unless I go into the file and spend hours checking each and every wall. Waste of time.
I can use the proper pen color to make the wall appear as if it is joined in AC, however, I use a black pen for core composite, which when using a black background gets automatically changed to white. And therefore, the white-out pen won't work properly as it appears white and when viewing the plan you can't tell a wall line from a white-out line when the white-out line is covering up part of a wall.