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Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.

About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

Rename/rebrand ArchiCAD

I think the name 'ArchiCAD' is limiting Graphisoft's potential market, and perhaps inadvertantly, and unnecessarily, prejudicing people against it before they even try it. Given that 'Archi' limits it to architecture, and 'CAD' is a dead term (it's now BIM), I think Graphisoft should rebrand their flagship product to be more relevant, appealing and cool.
Bruce Walker
Barking Dog BIM YouTube
Mindmeister Mindmap
-- since v8.1 --
AC27 5060 INT Full | Windows 11 64 Pro | 12th Gen Intel i7-12700H 2.30 GHz | 64 Gb RAM | NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 32 Gb
NeckoFromSarajevo wrote:
The Suit Doesn't Make the MAN ...
Correct...but it does introduce him.
Bruce Walker
Barking Dog BIM YouTube
Mindmeister Mindmap
-- since v8.1 --
AC27 5060 INT Full | Windows 11 64 Pro | 12th Gen Intel i7-12700H 2.30 GHz | 64 Gb RAM | NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 32 Gb
Not applicable
I don't think re-branding is enough to be honest.

Eventually AC is going to have to be rewritten from the ground up to free it of it's past. Like the way it handles stories is wrong but it's fundamental and core to the function of the software and I don't see how it could be fixed in it's current state.

At the very least, it needs a huge UI overhaul as has been stated. Large, multi-monitor setups are not supported but it's the way of the future as big LCD/LED/IPS monitors drop in price (btw, if you don't have at least 2x24"(1920x1200) monitors then your doing it the hard way, but I highly suggest 3 monitors). As well as a dedicated tablet/touch screen interface. Also pallets are inconsistent and act strangely and this really needs to get fixed.

It should be able to have multiple 2D and 3D windows open at the same time with live updating between windows. Switching back and forth is utterly time wasting and a real drag on AC's ability to produce.

Also it's time to start thinking about splitting up AC program wise for future development. Such as I would divide the interface and the underlying engine into at least two separate programs so they can be updated separately or even swapped out entirely. And then I would create OS specific containers for those so AC runs on iOS, Android, OSX, Windows XP,7,8, and Linux. The writing is on the wall and iOS and Android are the future. Also Linux is picking up steam and I see a lot of PC's use Linux as Apple and MS stop supporting their desktop software. Especially with Microsoft's most recent move to push out their 3rd party hardware providers such as HP, Dell, Sony, Toshiba, Asus, Acer, etc. I think there is a high chance those companies will strive to support Linux even more now. But the point is AC needs to be more modular so it doesn't have to be rewritten for a new platform or make Graphisoft maintain more than one code base per task. But most importantly is the realization that iOS, Android, and Win8 are going to be replacing what's out there now and AC has no choice but to start supporting those operating systems and their evolving interfaces (tablet/touchscreen).

Also I would integrate BIMx into the software and not charge for it. Those files are like little commercials for Archicad and why the heck would you want to impede the production and proliferation of those little commercials? I get the making money thing and finding new streams and all that but this is one area I think they should rethink. When I had it back a few versions ago the first thing the client would ask me after seeing it was what did I use to make that with. And the word Archicad was never forgotten after that. And if these started to turn into clips that go put on Youtube and other sites, that's free and powerful advertising.

I think with all of this reworking it would probably be better to rename and rebrand it at the same time. If only to avoid confusion when people search on the internet for help, it would be better to separate the results by not having the two trees share the same name.

As it stands tho, I agree with skawagon that the addition of the name Nemetschek would be good but I don't think Archicad should be re-branded because it would create confusion and not provide clear advantage over the current brand. It would end up costing money that could be better spent elsewhere if the only reason is to make the name more marketable.
Not applicable
I agree on the UI face lift. Then release a version for engineers (even if just a rebrand), then give the graphisoft website an overhaul too 😉
Not applicable
i strongly disagree with changing the user interface.

autodesk do this periodically, to justify their renewal subscriptions, all it means is millions of users waste months trying to get used to the new interface, and where they have moved menu's around, just for the sake of it. and then the associated costs of retraining staff.

if it does happen, there is 10 subscriptions in our office which will never ever be renewed! we are about at the end of our tether with archicad and graphisoft.

why dont graphisoft put the efforts into sorting out the bugs in the software. some of which have existed for 5 - 10 years. if they make a new U.I. there will be many more new bugs which will never be resolved.
Not applicable
There is a perception amongst some architects that Revit is a serious BIM product whilst ArchiCAD is more for the home builder market. I am a consultant at a large architectural firm that uses both - some very good Archicad people too. The design architects prefer Archicad as a design too (most used it through Uni) - Revit is more for modellers, documentors and BIM managers - at least that the perception.
A lady here is going through Revit training and was surprised I used Archicad as well - "I thought Archicad was a Micky Mouse program". Again misconceptions.
In fact the firms largest project - unfortunately now on hold- was full 6D BIM using Archicad so I am now back using Revit.
A renaming wouldn't hurt - ArchiBIM anyone?
Not applicable
IMO I think the "Archi" doesn't help, because anything with archi is for architects.
where as they (Autodesk) have branded "revit" is for BIM, architects, engineers, MEP etc etc
Petros Ioannou
According to Wikipedia:
Architecture both the process and product of planning, designing and construction.

So whatever you use (CAD , BIM, drafting paper) and whatever your discipline is you are contributing on the production of Architecture. Not BIMitecture or CADitecture or ...
ArchiCAD 22 4023 UKI FULL,
Archicad 21 6013 UKI FULL, ArchiCAD 20 8005 UKI FULL
iMac Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2017
4.2 GHz Intel Core i7
32 GB 2400 MHz DDR4
Radeon Pro 580 8192 MB
Rod Jurich
Petros wrote:
According to Wikipedia:
Architecture both the process and product of planning, designing and construction.

So whatever you use (CAD , BIM, drafting paper) and whatever your discipline is you are contributing on the production of Architecture. Not BIMitecture or CADitecture or ...
.............. like
Rod Jurich
AC4.55 - AC14 INT (4204) |  | OBJECTiVE |
Rakela Raul
it has nothing to do with names ... has to do with marketing

revit !!
if you dont tell me what this is.. i would have thought it is a "misspelling" 😉)

i like ArchiBIM tho .. eventho BIM will be obsolete soon

MACBKPro /32GiG / 240SSD
AC V6 to V18 - RVT V11 to V16
My 5 cents:

My first wish: Consistency. Please give all tools, windows and palettes a more consistent look and behavior. Just think about this: When you use the Curtain Wall tool, and then Stair-Maker tool, don't you feel like using two completely different apps?

My second wish: Please Unclutter. MS Office's Ribbon does some of that, but it has it's cons. Ipad style? too "Fischer-Price toy" looking for a Pro application. I don't know what to suggest other than uncluttering - too many things at the same level and the same time-. GS is proud to say is good at innovation... well please Innovate.

My third and last wish (are you still there genius?): I don't really care about the name, archicad, bimthingy, bimvoila, allworks, vectorplan or simcity. Provide better training material, a teach yourself approach. Not only promotional videos.

P.S. :And not my business, but the marketing strategy needs to play harder - just like the competitors.
Fictional example: assume there are only two software developers: Tiber and Dacikra, one relies on it's power to conquer and rule of it's "unique Truly BIM application on the market" mantra, and calling for not to trust those other unreliable applications which aren't even capable of reading Tiber's wonderful file format
Nando Mogollon
Director @ BuilDigital
Using, Archicad Latest AU and INT. Revit Latest (have to keep comparing notes)
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