@s2art, so I've modelled the main end wall as continuous, and used an empty opening to form the hole for the bay window. I've then used Bow Window 20 (same problem different window type) and dropped that into the empty hole.
This is where I'm getting stuck. I'm expecting there to be an option to rebuild lower wall section to follow the bay windows contour.
I get you can hide lines for the 2D view but when you jump to 3D it's not so good. The wall which is not very deep needs to be modelled to follow the bay.
So I've tried to model the bay wall using a center reference line, following the bay window then resized the wall to sit under the bay window. But resizing the continous wall to snap to the bay walls
Also tried splitting either side of bay window wall but I can't seem split the top and bottom. I split the side in the 2D view so is it possible to split in the 3D view?
I found I could grab the bay window wall and curve the edge, which looks good. But becuase I can't seem to split the top wall section it also curves with the bottom section.
I feel like I'm overcomplicating a simple thing!