I don't think this problem has anything to do with display order.
See there are 14 stack levels, but everything has a default class within each level. Classes have the following priority, which is how they are ordered by default when you first place them:
1 Annotation (Text, Labels, all Dimension types, Zone Stamps)
2 2D artwork (Lines, Circles, Splines, Hotspots)
3 Library Parts (Objects, Lamps, Stairs)
4 3D structures (Walls, Beams, Slabs, Doors, Windows, Columns, Roofs, Meshes)
5 2D polygons (Fills, Zone Polygons)
6 Figures
In your first image your column is on top of your lines. Since your lines belong to Class 2 and your column belongs to Class 4, these lines should by default show on top of the column. So you either brought your column forward or sent your lines back.
In your second image it looks like you did indeed send your column to the back. Now the column is behind the lines, as you want. So having said all that it looks to me that the relationship between the lines and the column are spot on - however maybe there is something else intereferring? My guess is that it is just a wall, which has nothing to do with Display Options at all, because you can change the stacking relationship between a wall and a column until the cows come home and you won't see any difference. Don't ask me why - there is just no built in functionailty there. It's like if you have a slab (with no cover fill) on top of a wall - you will always see the wall under it.
Anyway if you think it may be a wall try turning off the wall layer and check the results. To fix it you may have to make a column that simply ~meets~ the wall.
If it's not a wall, then it could be a fill or some other element that is interferring.
Let us know how you get on.