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Stair problem 3/4

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I have been having this problem since the beginning of this year when I got the program. I have been ignoring it since I was slowly getting to know AC9 and using it mainly for modeling pleasure. I have made 2 projects with AC9 but both of them have 3/4 type staircase, which I can't make in AC9. In the end I did with lines in both floor plan and sections. But I want to be able to do it in 3D, obviously.

By a 3/4 type staircase, since I don't know if it's a valid term, is a staircase (usually rectangular for me) which with start and finish at 90 degrees, meaning it goes around 275 degrees. I have tried to make a custom staircase but the types available are missing one crucial one... the one I need...
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I know it's a bit early for a reply, but noone knows about this problem? Or noone had to create such a staircase? Or was I misunderstood cause my english is a bit lame in some sectors...
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By 3/4 I'm gonna assume that you want to do a stair with 3 landings and 4 sets of treads. Your our correct that archicad can not do this, stairmaker can't and last I saw ArchiStair couldn't either. You could try Stair Builder, but it might be limited in this issue as well. I do all of my stairs in 2D with line work for plan view as the stairs in archicad would not meet a code drawing requirement in the US. I also model the stair in 3D and for the type of stair you need I would recommend you just built it with slabs, beams, walls and the such and save it as an object. You could even save the 2D plan view as your 2D symbol and save yourself a ltitle hassle in editing it later.
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A picture would help. I assume that you mean 270° and that this would consist of four flights and three landings. This is probably best modeled with separate parts for each flight and landing. Library parts for the steps and slabs for the landings. You may be able to get to top and bottom parts to create workable symbols for you. Otherwise stick with drawing them in 2D plans.
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Actually I mean a continuous flight of steps. No landings at all. This is quite usual to save space in very tight situations, Here's an example of what I mean.
270 staircase.jpg
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Is this something like what you wanted...it would need some fine tuning but it gets the point across.
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One way to model this stairway is to use slabs.
I made a stairway similar to this using slabs that
were stacked and rotated. When the slabs get
to the break line the rest of the run is done
on the next story up and set to show one story down.
If you absolutely have to have the underside a smooth curve
you can make a mesh with a curved surface and subtract
it from the underside of the stacked slabs.
Another way is to model the whole thing with the mesh tool
and use slabs for the treads,SEO the treads from the mesh
to form the risers, then save as a library part.
Peter Devlin
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Yes that is the kind of staircase I was looking to model. Creating it manually takes up time and thinking which I wouldn't be willing to invest just for a "quick" section and floor plan. The reason I got ArchiCAD was both for the quickness of creating sections and elevations and of course for the modelling part. So far the modelling and renderings has been great for me and the clients are satisfied, although they re not the selling point of my drawings. But as far as speed is concerned I can do the same work (no model of course) at 1/3 the time, so it's starting to become a dilemma. i really like ArchiCAD though, and would never think of going back to regular AutoCAD for modelling (nightmare). And I dont want to invest more time for Architectural Desktop which I hear has improved heaps.

Just a bit disappointed that I can't create such a staircase quickly
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I created that stair with Stairmaker.
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Thank you PivoArch I ll try to check it our sometime soon