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Survey - What Screen Resolution Do You Use?

Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
This is a quick survey to see what ArchiCAD users around the world set their screen resolutions to when using ArchiCAD. Please take a moment to respond.

To find the screen resolution of your PC: Right click on your desktop and select Properties. Then go to the Settings tab and read the number under Screen resolution.

To find the screen resolution of your Mac: Go to Apple Menu>System Preferences...>Displays and read the highlighted screen resolution.

If you use a resolution that is not listed, please feel free to specify it in a post. If you use multiple monitors, please feel free to add those too.

Thanks for your time!


PS. Go easy - I'm a poll virgin!
Not applicable
2560x1600 on my 30" Cinema HD Display
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Twin 21" Samsung 214T's @ 1600 x 1200
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2560 x 1600 on both my 30" Cinema displays (5120 x 1600 total screen real estate) To think it began with Claris Cad on an Mac SE.
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1920 x 1200 on Dell 24" LCD.
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1280 x 1024 res- 17" flat monitor.

I think resolution, depend on our monitor-hardware. Survey may include the monitor..
Not applicable
Recently upgraded to a 24" VeiwSonic VX2435wm, resolution 1920/1600.
Puts a big smile on my face when computer starts!
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600 800
Not applicable
kliment wrote:
Recently upgraded to a 24" VeiwSonic VX2435wm, resolution 1920/1600.
Puts a big smile on my face when computer starts!
Can you feel you need more power from your pc to support your big screen?
Not applicable
Archi wrote:
Can you feel you need more power from your pc to support your big screen?

No, computer worked pretty well and it was my two-year-old P4 machine.

I felt the need to get a more powerful video card though.
Not applicable
I suggest Ati Fire Gl X2 256T 256MB.
In a moment this card is not es expensive.