the send and receive uses the most current version of the file that you've been working on (what you call 'saved in the RAM', but probably is one of the many .SCRATCH files that archiCAD litters around).
what happens is that
you have sent and received your changes, archiCAD assigns a new number to your draft file (it starts at 1 and just clocks up until you sign-out - try looking at the 'teamwork notes' under the teamwork menu and you will see what's happening).
this makes it
absolutely essential to save
a send and receive, (however since version 8.0.x and it's instability i have got into the habit of saving prior to sending and receiving too).
what i was referring to in my previous post was something that has happened once or twice here. . .
if archiCAD crashes when sending and receiving changes
it has assigned you a new draft number in the admin file (usually kept on the server) but
that new draft number gets written to your local copy, your draft becomes out of synch.
if you try and send changes from this draft, archiCAD will warn you that it is out of date. this is a safeguard should somebody try with a genuinely out-of-date draft, however:
in this case you know that the draft is not out of date because a crash caused it. so you can happily ignore archiCAD's warning and send those changes in anyway.
this may or may not be the case for you - as i said earlier, it depends upon when the crash happened, but it may be still worth a try to recover your data before trying 'major surgery'!
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b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
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