I may be wrong, but I think this type of window placement
would have to be scripted in GDL. Off the top of my head,
I would think that one would have to take a regular window
save with a different name and in the 3D script,
invoke a wallhole command to disable the default wall hole,
then rotate the wallhole and all of the 3D window elements
about the "Z" axis to the angle of the roof pitch.
The 2D symbol would have to be scripted to reflect
how the window would look when cut in plan to any given angle.
The whole issue of what the "A" and "B" dimensions would mean
would have to be dealt with as well.
This brings up the question of how AC 10 would handle
the 2D symbol with the new floor plan cut plane.
I don't know the answer to this.
I had not seen this type of window except in Vermont,
but maybe it is common enough, so it might
be worth scripting such a window.
Peter Devlin