Bumping this.
I have stairs going from floor 0 to 1, they are in the multi story hall, spanning from 0 to +2 floor. How can I do that I will see them also on the upper floors (in my case floor 2)?
Show on stories:
- home story only: obviously not useful
- home & story up: obviously not useful
- home & story down: obviously not useful
- home & story up and down: obviously not useful
- one story up: obviously not useful
- one story down: obviously not useful
- all stories: obviously not useful, I don't want to see them below 0 floor
- all relevant stories: does the same as home story only
Any solution? Beside non-solution, i.e. drawing them with lines?
*btw: while writing this text I found my English is not good enough to know when to use floor and when story
Is it multi stories hall? Is it spanning trough stories or trough floors? Finally, is it story or storey
Archicad 22 on OS X 10.11.6