I do not believe there are USA standards in the sense of a defined methodology that everyone uses. There are defined standards such as the National BIM Standard (
https://www.nationalbimstandard.org/) and the National CAD Standard (
https://www.nationalcadstandard.org/ncs6/index.php), but at least in my experience, these are only mandated by a few government clients, and usually with variations. I think most smaller practitioners use their own systems, though they may be loosely based on National Standards.
For a template, you best option might be to look at one of the commercially available options, either BIM6x (
https://bim6x.com/) or Eric Bobrow's Master Template (
http://www.actemplate.com/). There may be others... While I don't think these are intended to be specifically USA templates, they certainly are appropriate here.
ArchiCAD 22
Win 10