If you clone, e.g., the S/E folder: When you create new S/Es, you don't have to remember to save new views, they save themselves. Without clones, I would be in PM, doing the five-click routine to tunnel down to import a new view, and oops, I forgot to save it.
So I have a clone of the S/E folder for sections, and a clone for interior elevations, with their respective settings. Then I have S/E naming conventions which alphabetize the list in each view set folder. So yes, I have building sections in my interior elevation folder, but the naming scheme makes it easy to visually skip over them.
The advantage for plans is less, because you're unlikely to come in one day and create 16 new plans, but I use them anyway. A clone for architectural, framing, RCP,...
I don't use clones for details because the scales vary too much.
Clones create obnoxious names by default ('...(Autorebuild Model)'; who cares!), which is a non-feature, but I don't use PM drawing titles so it doesn't bother me.
I would like clones to be 'stronger'. As it is, you can actually redefine one view in a clone with a different scale, e.g. I would rather the views in a clone be permanently defined by the clone folder settings. Less chance of error.
Having auto-populating view folders generally streamlines the import workflow.