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offset tracker - is this a bug?

Patrick M

Can anyone verify this is replicable on their computer? is this a work environment hang-up or something else I am not aware of? I thought this worked for all axis before; not sure what is limiting the tracker origin reset to just the positive X direction...

BIM solutions and trouble shooting (self proclaimed) expert. Using Archicad 26 5002 US on Mac OS 11.5.2
Barry Kelly

No it does not work as you have shown - I am not sure exactly why.

But there is no need to use option+shift to reset the origin.


Drag from left to right but do not press option+shift (alt+shift on windows) to reset the origin point.

Just type 10- to have it do the maths for you.


Being metric, you have to press minus twice.

So drag to where you want to measure from and then 10-- (10 minus minus).



One of the forum moderators.
Versions 6.5 to 27
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Laszlo Nagy
Community Admin
Community Admin

To add some background to what Barry suggested:

Those distances you see in the Tracker are calculated from the Edit Origin (the little black X - it is called the "Edit Origin" while you are editing elements).

At 00:43 in your video, when you start offsetting the left vertical edge of the polygon, notice that the Edit Origin is at the point on the edge from where you started the Offset operation. When you press OPT+SHIFT (ALT+SHIFT on Windows) at 00:49 in your video, notice that the Edit Origin is relocated to the Blue Snap Point at your cursor and from that point on, distances in the Tracker are measured from that point. If now you move your cursor a bit towards the origin point of the Offset operation, you will see that the Tracker displays a positive number, as it measures the distance from the current Edit Origin towards the origin point of the Offset operation, and now considers that the positive direction. So if you now type "-10", that will move the edge in the other direction, which is to the right of the current Edit Origin, and will give the result you see after the operation.

So you always have to be aware of where the Edit Origin is, and what direction becomes the positive direction after a change in the Edit Origin.

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AMD Ryzen9 5900X CPU, 64 GB RAM 3600 MHz, Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB, 500 GB NVMe SSD
2x28" (2560x1440), Windows 10 PRO ENG, Ac20-Ac27
Eduardo Rolon

That is not entirely correct, there is more nuance here and more things broken. Using Imperial Units since before AC08 you were able to:

  1. place the cursor at a point (don't need to move the temporary origin)
  2. Wait for the checkmark
  3. Type either X or Y
  4. Type ## (for Distance) and + (to go to the right) or - - (minus, minus to go left)
  5. This is broken in 27 and I have reported it since before the Beta with no success though I was promised that they were working on a fix.


See here…


AC25 vs AC26

Example using 18/ for 18"

In 25 typing: X 18/+ moves the cursor 18" (1'-6") to the right

In 27 it moves it 18 feet…

2024-06-28 Tracker.gif

Eduardo Rolón AIA NCARB
AC27 US/INT -> AC08

Macbook Pro M1 Max 64GB ram, OS X 10.XX latest
another Moderator