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"Save Template" option in Registers

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I have discovered something interesting in registers.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Graphisoft\ArchiCAD\ArchiCAD 9.0.0 INT R1\Navigator

Save Template = 0 (Default Value)

If I set "Save Template = 1" and Run AC9 then new "Save Template" option in navigator appears(see attached image).

clicking on this function brings dialog that says, that "PNTemplate.bin"is saved.

Saving in Navigator stored info as template file to import in other projects was/is my wish.
Now I'm interested to know is there any way to use this "PNTemplate.bin" file?
Anyone has experienced this extra option?

Save Template.jpg
Z.Bauer wrote:
Can you attach some screen shots from your Mac relative to our talking subject. Maybe this can help me to understand ".plist"s better!
as i said, i doubt that you'll find similar plist files on a PC - maybe karl or somebody in the know can weigh in on that . . . .

here's some macdev centre information. and a screenshot of the archiCAD plist file i was talking about above . . .

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
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Ok Plist Editor in Mac is program like Registry Editor in Windows. And *.plist files in windows called *.reg .

Thank's for screenshot!
Z.Bauer wrote:
Ok Plist Editor in Mac is program like Registry Editor in Windows. And *.plist files in windows called *.reg .

Thank's for screenshot!
well.... kind of. The Mac has dozens or hundres of .plist files. They are not all one big file like the Windows Registry is.
Tom Waltz
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
User Link asks me via PM:
Are you absolutely sure you can rename a bin? As far as I remember they are only a few kb's and therefore I thought they couldn;t be renamed.
Hey I was just giving you a chance to correct your findings. I still think it's odd. It just doesn't sound right that an ArchiCAD file could be 47kb. Even the most srtripped down file would be about 10 times that size.

And when you open this converted file, are you seeing the name of the file in the titlebar or is it just called untitled?

It just doesn't seem right to me mate!

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Link wrote:
Hey I was just giving you a chance to correct your findings. I still think it's odd. It just doesn't sound right that an ArchiCAD file could be 47kb. Even the most srtripped down file would be about 10 times that size...
Hi Link,
thank's for chance , but I all is correct!
You are right blank AC file is more than 47kb! Look at my post again, please! I have wrote 47kb for renamed file, but for saved. Saved *.PLN is more than 900 kb After renaming(means changing extension from .bin to .PLN) and opening file in the titlebar file name is called of itself as Untitled
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
WellI reckon you're performing mini miracles over there in that wonderful country of yours mate.

I just ran a test and my file stayed at a measely 28Kb when I renamed it to ICantBelieveImDoingThis.pln (in the OS) and even though it appeared to open, it just went back to an Untitled.pln, so it obviously didn't open.

Furthermore, the untitled.pln had the same settings as the previous file I was in and when I saved it, it weighed in at a predictable 460Kb.

Maybe it's the US version, but I really wouldn't think so. I guess stranger things have happened.

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I use AC9-INT, not US version.

It's something interesting with Macs. The Mac are working more efective and faster, they have several magic functions, they are very good designed, but conflicts between MacOS and AC are more than between OS_Win and AC. I would say more. The mac problems are graver than wins at least so it's wrote in WEB.