2007-02-07 04:40 AM
2007-06-24 04:50 PM
nats wrote:Yes, I would expect that to be the default setting but it's not. You have to turn it on in the composite settings dialog as Mike says.
You would think the composites would be programmed to automatically rotate their hatching to suit their orientation but they dont!
2007-06-25 04:33 PM
2007-06-25 04:50 PM
2007-06-26 05:36 PM
2007-06-27 03:54 AM
2007-07-17 05:30 PM
"~/archiben" wrote:"aggie463" wrote:
not sure i understand exactly how wall priorities work..what exactly would be the correct priorities for this intersection to be accurate?
back up a little . . .
do your wall reference lines meet? and are the fill-types for each skin the same?
regarding priority intersections, the principle goes something like this:
structures with a higher priority will block structures with a lower priority. identical priorities will cleanly mitre if they're the same fill-type. (i think . . . or at least hope). the reality is much different since archicad's priority system isn't flexible enough, nor thoroughly implemented, in order to cover all possible intersections.
i base my composite structures - and beams/columns - on the following priority principle...
0 - Finish : Secondary - wet finishes such as paint, plaster, etc
2 - Finish : Primary - dry/panel finishes such as boards, sheet cladding, etc.
4 - Thermal/Air Space - all solid insulation skins plus non-core voids, cavities and air spaces
6 - Membrane - solid membrane skins such as asphalt, rubber, sarna etc.
8 - Substrate/Strapping - boards such as ply, particle, MDF, etc. and straps, firring, top hats for fixing
10 - Cavity/Air Space - core-only voids, cavities and air spaces
12 - Wall Structure : Beam Priority - bearing elements such as solid concrete, timber & steel frames, masonry that beams intersect
14 - Wall Structure : Wall Priority - bearing elements such as solid concrete, timber & steel frames, masonry that beams abut
16 - High priority bespoke use - use for walls to manually override beam priority '15' and wall priority '14' elements
Beam Priority Values
1 -
3 -
5 -
7 -
9 -
11 - Beam Structure : Wall Priority - Secondary structural frame elements that abut structural (12) walls and columns
13 - Beam Structure : Beam Priority - Primary structural frame elements that intersect structural (12) walls and columns
15 - High priority bespoke use - use for beams to manually override beam priority '13' and wall priority '14' elements
Column Priority Value
12 - Structural Columns Only - Due to inflexible archicad column priorities, use column tool only for structural elements!
does this help . . . or confuse you more?!
2008-06-26 10:17 PM
2008-06-26 10:18 PM
2008-06-26 10:19 PM
2008-06-26 10:19 PM