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Wishlist - Frequently Asked Questions

Noemi Balogh
Community Admin
Community Admin

Wishlist participation

Who can submit and vote on wishes?

Customers with an active license contract linked to their Graphisoft ID can interact with the Graphisoft Community Wishlist with no restrictions. 


Graphisoft ID and Community account-related questions

How do I register a Community account?

Please read the quick step-by-step guide: How to Sign up for Graphisoft Community

How can I check and connect my service contract / subscription to my Graphisoft ID Community account?

Subscription/Forward information is checked via the Graphisoft ID account you used at registration.  Graphisoft ID and service contracts

I have an existing account that is not connected to my Forward / SSA subscription. What should I do?

Please register on Community with the Graphisoft ID to which your subscription is tied.


Wishes on Graphisoft Community

How can I vote on the wishes I like?

You can vote both on the Wishlist collection page and on the detailed page of the individual wish. 

On the Wishlist collection page in the right bottom corner of each wish you can find vote icon (up fronting arrow in a circle). By clicking on this icon you can vote for the selected wish.


On the detailed page of the wishes you can find the Vote button on the Status panel top right. Click on the button to submit your vote for the selected wish. 



How can I check if I voted on a wish already?

When you successfully vote on a wish, the vote icon changes color. 


Not voted yet




You’ll see the list of users who voted on the same wish as you by clicking on the number of votes next to the vote icon.



How many wishes can I vote for?

There is no limit – you can vote for as many wishes as you want!

How many times can I vote on a single wish?

You can submit only cast one vote for each wish per community account.

Can I revoke my vote on a wish?

Yes, you can. Click on the vote icon again to revoke your vote.

Why can I not like replies?

Likes are equal to votes on the Wishes board; therefore, we want to ensure that the different intentions (voting vs. supporting a reply) are not mixed.

Can I promote my wish on Graphisoft Community?

Feel free to promote your wishes! You can increase visibility by adding a link to your wish in your signature. Learn how do I set up my signature.

How can I search on the Wishlist?

Use the topic labels on the right panel of the Wishlist collection page to browse through wishes you’re interested in. Search directly by using the search field at the top of the site. For more details, please read ‘Searching on Graphisoft Community’.

How should I submit my wishes?

Please make the subject line of your wish a concise summary of the feature you are requesting, and post only one wish per topic.  This helps the other Community members and Graphisoft’s Product Team to understand your wish better and support your idea or join the conversation.


We also recommend you read our Wishlist guidelines.

Can I submit several requests in one?

Please submit only one wish per topic. Posting a list of many things makes it difficult to highlight and discuss the important details with any of the Community members. Voting is vague at best as to which or all the features someone else supports.

Why can't I submit a wish or vote on a wish?

Check if your Graphisoft ID meets all the criteria to participate. See Graphisoft ID and Community account-related questions. 

How can I be informed if something has changed in my wish or a wish I voted for?

When you submit your wish you’re automatically subscribed to it and will receive notifications when the status of your wish will be changed.


If you’d like to receive updates about other wishes you voted on, you can subscribe to them under the Status panel.




What should I do if a similar wish already exists but I have more information to add?

You can support the existing wish by voting for it and adding your insights or additional details in the comments. Your input can help strengthen the request and clarify the need for the feature.


Can I also submit non-product-related wishes?

Only product-related wishes will be considered for development. If you have suggestions related to the Graphisoft Community itself, please submit them in the "Our Community" forum board using the label "Wishes." For more details, refer to our Wishlist guidelines.

How can I find all the wishes I submitted and the wishes I voted for?

You can follow up on your wishes on a dedicated "My Wishes" dashboard page which is available from the Wishlist collection page.

Version history
Last update:
‎2024-09-18 04:36 PM
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