WALtd wrote:
I have changed my signature, hope you don't mind i based it yours.
Thanks, looks good.
WALtd wrote:
but I just wondered if you could somehow choose because presumably somewhere in the software or wherever the library is told to start in pen 4 & 19, and when you pick something out of the ordinary such as a billiard table it would be green/pink again!
1. Select an object
2. Select command
Open Object...
3. After the object opens, select the Parameters tab in the upper left corner of the main object window
4. Scroll down the Parameter(s) list until you find the parameter(s) you want to change
5. Change the parameter(s) setting to the preferred default(s)
6. Save
This will change the default settings for the object(s). It can only be done one object at a time, so repeat this procedure for as many objects as you want to alter. If the objects are in a
Container file, the Container file will need to be extracted with the
Extract a Container... command, then repacked using the
Create Container... command. If Graphisoft updates the library, then this work will be lost. This procedure will need to be repeated when a new version is released.
So there is this way to alter the default library part settings, or changing your pen set (as you noted previously), or using Favorites; all have pros and cons, you just have to look at the options and choose the best method depending on your situation.