11:53 AM
- last edited on
12:17 AM
Gordana Radonic
Hi Guys recently came a problem where properties linked to classifications had caused information to be lost when unselected & how now has lead me down a rabbit hole.
Can anyone send me a link to where the Archicad classification tables are please, I cant find any of the "Archicad" based classifications. I can find the page that relates to uniclass, RICS NRM, Omniclass etc just cant find the Archicad ones. Its v2.0 in particular I am after.
Kind Regards
2022-11-16 04:49 PM
I am surprised it isn't listed in the downloads. Anyway, if you open a new template file (or a previous project with a relevant edited version) you should be able to Export it through the Classification Manager and then Import into the Project where it is missing.
As with all these major data changes make sure you have an independent backup before applying them.
2022-11-17 01:46 PM
If you copy paste elements between different projects, you sometimes get prompts about classification being different and if you want to keep the one in your project or import the pasted one. If you chose the latter, all it does is import the little bit of classification for specifically only that element, however the name of the classification table is the same as a complete one.
If you then delete duplicate tables, you may end up with this kind of mess (mass 'deselecting' of properties due to unlinked/deleted classification).
I might be speaking from my own experience here... 😳
2022-11-17 01:57 PM
It did seems like this was partly the case for this problem, as I could find a very tiny part of the Archicad V2.0 classification but not the full version in my model. I realise now the problem came from custom properties being linked in to our old 22 & 24 classifications that were not listed for Archicad v2.0. so when classifying to v2.0 staff were unticking the old classifications and losing data.
To resolve this I added the properties to the v2.0 but now find myself, completely re-working the link between property manager & classification manager because I am not satisfied with the mapping in our templates. it is always the way that a 10 minute job can lead you down a rabbit hole due to OCD / attention to detail 🙂
I have attached the V2.0 classification in case anyone needs it.
2022-11-17 02:04 PM
I had exactly this problem in a AC21 project that was converted to AC23 at some point late in the project final stages. All of the elements in our template come 'pre-classified' and we always start modeling from template elements, to make sure everything is classified as 'something', even if that might be wrong, since it's than easier to spot and fix.
However copying things over from other projects in the late stage, I thought I had the proper 'latest' table in the project and ended up with 'old table' through copying, but it was the other way around.
Short story longer: I deleted the old table, was left with a barely populated new table and completely un-classified model.