I am posting this on the forum for attention, and warning to others. I remember in beta finding a bug that if you heavy marqueed a whole "whatever" (a housing unit in my case, don't know the limits) and mirror it, AC crashed. That was fixed, and is still doable. However, today I am discovering further extent of this serious bug. I am supposed to be generating a 4 unit complex from one of my stock plans. While I can mirror all layers and all stories without crashing, I can not drag a unit (all layers, all stories) without crashing. Individual stories are ok. I can not rotate a unit without crashing. I have been working on this all morning and have probably crashed a dozen times.
Once I drag or rotate and clear the marguee, all nodes light up and then forget it. Just for fun, I will lock it up and do a screen shot.
This need immediate attention. I can not work like this.
So, warning to someone to not promise getting something done by the end of the day if you need to duplicate and drag units.