I have sort of been given the task at my office of looking into how we currently manage our office library and libraries for our projects within the office. I would like to see what others are doing, the pro's and con's for each method proposed.
We currently use the standard archicad libraries for what ever version archicad we are using (We use archicad 12, 15 & 17. We have kept the job in the version we started to avoid breaking the models moving up the versions), and then have an office library which has additional objects which everyone uses loaded in. We would then have an individual job specific library for each project. What we started to notice was that we would make some objects for each project and we wouldn't move them into the office library because they wouldn't be used for all projects but we would need them on another similar project. So would end up linking multiple job specific libraries into the job and this went on. This is not what we want to have going forward. Plus people that know about the objects use them but because they aren't shared (in office library etc.) and so not everyone would know about them and would not be able to use them.
This method works but it is very messy as you can imagine. Also there is no real convention for objects that are created and anyone who is confident enough to make an object is etc. and are just labelled chair, socket etc. basically.
Do others have a method or consistent labelling for each item?
I'd like to create a managed library which is not time consuming or resource consuming to manage it, but simplifies and makes using the libraries more efficient in the future moving forward. Am I being optimistic?
How do you mange your office libraries? What do you think would be a good method? Any improvements to our existing method?
I look forward to your replies.