Project data & BIM
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Schedule 3D Front View - update?


I am working on an older file in AC22 and I need to make a Window Schedule with a preview elevation.


For the preview image, I am using 3D Front View, but I find it extremely buggy. It gets stuck on Graphic Overrides that are not even used in the Schedule View, it reacts very randomly to automatic dimensioning and some windws do not show at all - the preview field shows only the automatic dimension and nothing else.


Did anyone else have problem with these and is there any way of "updating" the 3D Front View preview window?


I did not do any changes in the preview field yet, the images are all generated automatically. Deleting the 3D Front View Field in Scheme Settings and adding it back seems to be the only way to address some of the issues, but not all of them. Also, it is not really usable once I start adding custom annotations to the preview fields.

