2021-08-05 10:21 AM
2021-08-05 11:49 AM
Noémi Balogh
Community Expert, Admin
2021-08-05 12:35 PM
2021-08-05 01:31 PM
nbalogh wrote:Having to deal with layers for just trying some design ideas is exactly the kind of hustle we seek to avoid - it is slow to try the idea, can easily lead to loss of information or error if not done correctly and doesnt work well at all for itterrating design ideas. The thing is, I have heard over and over again from different architects how many hoops they have to jump trough just to try an idea out (a core of our bussines, mind you) while the technology that could make this hustle go away is there, it just needs a litlle polish from the developer. Please consider it in futre software development plans, Graphisoft. (or hire me as a product designer
I don't recommend to use the Travel Pack, its purpose was to solve "work from home" when BIM Server was working only on LAN (Local Area Network).
Instead I would play with layers and layer combinations (design options can be put on different layers then their intersection priority can be set to 0, so they don't intersect with anything). This way you have only one file and once you found the right candidate, you can save a pln, clean out what is not needed and re-share the pln to finish the job.