We have upgraded to Archicad 8.1 from 6.5 and are having some trouble with x-ref information that was in original 6.5 .pln files. The x-refs are .dwg files and were attached but not bound in the original 6.5 .pln file.
When the original 6.5 .pln drawings are opened in Archicad 8.1 the x-refs are not present as x-refs but as modules. How do we update these modules? Can they be 'converted' back into x-refs?
We receive the x-refs in .dwg format from consultants.
These modules/x-refs do not show up in the hotlink manager, x-ref manager, etc.
We are using OSX on G5s.
I attached another x-ref to the same .pln file and it appears in the x-ref management window BUT I am able to delete/edit the new x-ref information - is this correct - do I have some setting or parameter incorrect? I remember in 6.5 it was impossible to edit the x-refs ?
any ideas?