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Project data & BIM
About BIM-based management of attributes, schedules, templates, favorites, hotlinks, projects in general, quality assurance, etc.

permissions error on AC 9.0 with osx.4 server

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I recently sent this to graphisoft support, but I think they are probably busy doing AC11 tech support so, perhaps the list can help:

We have recently done a major upgrade to our hardware and software in our office, and for the most part this has gone well. However, since we upgraded our server we are running into an issue which we can't quite figure out the origins of.
we have new 2.66GHZ Dual-Core Intel Xenon macs running OSX.4.9
I recently installed both AC9 and AC11 on the new computers. we had no problems opening our AC9 projects when connecting to the old server.
However, we recently installed a new server, with osx.4 server running on it (and upgrade from server x.2), which is configured in supposedly the exact same way as the old one: same users and sharepoints.

We are trying to open AC9 files (with AC9) and we receive the error as if the previous user had crashed:

"this project is in use by NAME"

if one opens the project with exclusive access the next message is:
The project currently cannot be opened for writing because:
-another used is reading it
-a publishing process is accessing it or
-a system level permission problem is preventing file access.

we can open the project as read-only, but it seems that we can still make changes in it, and 'save as' the same file name, and as far as we can tell the changes are saved, received by plotmaker. on the server, the files seem to be set to read/write by both the owner and the group.

I upgraded one version of archicad 9 to build 2172 and it seems on some files I can open and save them, with only the 'project is in use by' error rather than the permissions one.
on others I get both.

it seems there should be some kind of server setting I need to adjust?

additionally today, we had a problem updating a layout book for a large team project in AC9, which also contains links to other AC9 solo project drawings. One user attempted to update the layout book and could not update the layouts with links to the solo project drawings (the drawings disappeared). so he attempted to re-import them, and received the message that the solo project was in use (it wasn't, but it had last been worked on by another user) at which point, plotmaker imported not the selected drawing but rather the most recently placed drawing from the main teamwork file. However, the user who had last worked on the solo project could successfully import the drawing on the computer where they last worked on the solo file.

We are currently concerned about which users will be able to update layout books as we work through this upgrade. We would like to finish projects which are near completion in AC9 and move our newer projects over to AC11.

Thanks very much
Katie Bertsche
There was a bug in the release version of AC9.

Once you upgrade to 2172 and you save the file again, the permissions should be repaired so that the next time you open it in 2172, it's OK.

Is that not what you're finding?
Tom Waltz
Not applicable
I still get the same permissions error with 2172, after opening and saving.

we don't seem to have problems with teamwork files (yet!)
did you check the actual file permissions to see if they are RW for you?
Tom Waltz
Not applicable
ownership/permissions menu says I can read and write.

The file behaves as if it were still in use by me, after I have closed out of it and try to open it again.
Not applicable
we are having the same problem

happening mainly with users running v9 (latest patch) on the new macintel machines

a solution would be most helpful... thanks

we will be upgrading in the not too distant future to v11 so hopefully these issues will be resolved.... but will there be issues with the files that have been worked on in v9 that have the aforementioned error attached?

