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BIMcloud Manager generating hundreds of Gigabytes of *.mdmp files

Paul King

I am trying to understand why BIMcloud Manager is generating thousands of files with names like 'mongod.2023-06-13T20-54-19.mdmp', filling up hundreds of Gigabytes on the server machine 

Path to these files is C:\Program Files\Graphisoft\BIMcloud\Manager-2023-05-14\Bin\mongod\6.0.1


Most of the time BIMcloud is not in active use (though is always running in the background), and it has only ever had one modest residential project loaded on it.


Can I delete these safely?  And how can I safely prevent them from being created at all?


The *.mdmp file extension typically relates to a windows minidump file, automatically generated when an application fails - but as far as I can tell the BIMcloud service is not failing (no error reports appear for user at least)

ArchiCAD 8-28 | Twinmotion 2024
Windoze 11 PC | Intel Core i9 10900K | Nvidia Gforce RTX 3080 | 32 Gb DDR3 | 2x4K monitor extended desktop
Noemi Balogh
Community Admin
Community Admin

This indicates an underlying issue with your computer / BIMcloud. I suggest you create a BIMcloud support package and contact your local Graphisoft representative.

Noémi Balogh

Community Expert, Admin

Thanks Noemi


Yes I had guessed it was something like that - but for reasons equally mysterious it looks like the files stopped being generated a month or so ago.


Deleting them all has caused no harm - but I would like to know how to supress these dump files, should they otherwise start silently filling up the hard drive again in future.


As far as I can see, error dumps are only useful if the corresponding issue is brought to the user's attention or otherwise detectable by the user at the time. 


If they are being produced silently and are only discovered months later (as in this case), they are of little use in diagnosing anything, because the record of conditions that have might triggered them is long out of date, and any user context applying has passed well out of human memory too.




ArchiCAD 8-28 | Twinmotion 2024
Windoze 11 PC | Intel Core i9 10900K | Nvidia Gforce RTX 3080 | 32 Gb DDR3 | 2x4K monitor extended desktop