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Remote office idea

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I will be moving soon and want to open a remote office location. The files/server and everything will stay at the main office location. Obviously all projects will be team work and I will have to VPN into the main office.

To keep up with constant communication between locations I have an idea. Dedicate a PC with Hi Res webcam & a big monitor at both offices to act as a "window" into the other office where we can hear and see everything that goes on in both locations during office hours. It will be as if I'm always there.

I've looked into building a Document camera so we will be able to share drawings of up to D size sheets via an online meeting place (Skype etc.). Here is a crude example of a document cam:

If the main office has a set of big drawings they need to go over with me they would use this document camera. I should be able to take screen shots of them and hopefully retain the resolution as to see the small details or red-lines(cross fingers). This will be useful too if either one of us need to sketch something out real quick.

Have any of you messed around with something like this? Any tips for a remote office location?
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Did you ever get this up and running? I'm in a similar station and would love a change to talk through this with someone who has...
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Forgot about this post. Yes I have it up and running. I have access to all data on server at work using microsoft sync (already in windows 7) and a VPN connection.

I have a computer dedicated for using Skype at the main office. I have it set to automatically answer incoming calls when I call from my home office. I can share my screen and show people what I'm talking about if there is a problem in a project.

Being the IT guy I can remote into any computer at work and fix things when they happen.

Travel Packs in Archicad are a MUST. I remote into a computer at work, create a travel pack for myself and upload it to my FTP site. After that I download it to my home office and can work in teamwork with absolutely no lag even if on a slow connection.

As far as redlining drawings we use Adobe X.

The document camera didn't work out, it would have turned out to be too expensive.
Wow...I'd like to chat with you more about this.
I've always felt that we, as designers, architect, creative-types.....never really NEED to be next to each physically to work........YET the higher ups that be..........INSIST on having a warm body in a pod in an the same city.........why?

I'd like to pick yer brain a bit.
PM sent.
...Bobby Hollywood live from...
Edgewater, FL!
Archicad 22, Archicad 23
Windows7 -OS, MAC Maverick OS