Don't think you can recover. What I ussually do is render out the frames as images and take these to Adobe Premiere. That way, if it crashes, you have all the previous frames as image files.
There used to be memory leak problems with fly through renders, but I think these have been solved. But in the past I would have to render out 50 frames, close the session, render the next 50 frames etc. or it would crash.
I used multiple workstations to speed up the process.
If you're not too picky about how things look and which medium you are using for the fly-through, you can also save out the cameras as a fly-through to BIMx and present it using that.
Erwin Edel, Project Lead, Leloup Architecten
www.leloup.nlArchiCAD 9-26NED FULL
Windows 10 Pro
Adobe Design Premium CS5