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About built-in and 3rd party, classic and real-time rendering solutions, settings, workflows, etc.

Cinema 4D - The Industry Standard

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Maxon has recently upgraded their flagship product, Cinema 4D to version 10. They have also released a plug-in for ArchiCAD 10. These programs make for a terrific pair, ease of use, mature feature sets, speed and wonderful workflow.

For several months I have been putting other software packages through my personal learning curve and user testing. I work with the software and post my experiences in threads like this at the Talk.

I enjoy the fact that so many views happen within the threads. Better yet, I enjoy when others kick in their experiences with the subject software. No need to butt in with examples from other software programs, it is more interesting to just fully explore a single package - which in this thread is Cinema 4D. There are many existing architectural users of this fine piece of software and I call upon them to post recent examples of (WIP) work in progress and final renders. Not everything is perfect and there are currently a few kinks in the plug-in, but I will get into explaining that later.

If this is your first introduction to C4D, trust me it won't be your last. Nemechek is the parent company of Maxon and the C4D suite. News is that Nemecheck is or will soon own GraphiSoft and ArchiCAD. Just put two and two together.

I'll start the thread with a quick example scene I assembled with bits and parts laying around on my hard drive. Tree entourage by xFrog, a snowy hillside from an example file on the internet, sky effect built into C4D, building from an ArchiCAD training file I use at the aBPa office in San Diego. All of this thrown together within 30 minutes, the render took 2 hrs. on a G5 dual 2GHz.

Cinema is the king when it comes to import/export. If you can get your entourage into practically any export format, chances are C4D will be able to import it. This is an extremely important factor to creativity. Now that I have gotten past my need to throw together something in C4D v10. It it time to slow down and create some examples of workflow issues, speed tests realistic rendering techniques. Once again I ask for help from other C4D users who can post examples, please jump right in - the water is fine and with a little MAXON soap you get a squeaky clean render.

Links to more info:

Architectural Examples:
ArchiCAD related links:

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This site work is just a step toward a project involving ArchiCAD and C4D - an effort to show how to use the two programs together in order to fully model and render an entire neighborhood of 70+ homes. I agree that during this process I have developed a technique but that was not my original intention. I hope that others find interesting ways to extend the use of the complex profile tool.
Moderator Emeritus
... and the car looks like a Toyota ...


ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen
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You are right, Toyota Celica. Proof some people are sharper than a marble.
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Work in Progress, trees have brought the file size to 1GB. 30 minute render on a 1.8 GHz - Mac G5. System monitor showed all available ram being used (2GB) plus (4 GB of Virtual Memory)
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30minutes for that? Incredible.

That footpath (read "sidewalk") looks like a lot of fun on a skateboard
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Stuart, didn't you know? All the sidewalks in California are like this, Extreme Skateboards Rule.

I am still looking for ArchiSidewalk version 10.
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Artistic, no not really, but I do gain satisfaction from creating images that reflect the reality of a future project. Here is a close up of the render - subject a condo project in California.

It would be nice if other ArchiCAD/Cinema users would post some example of their current work. Please.
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My Radio.

Modelled in C4D and rendered in Maxwell.

I'm currently rendering out a scene that has this radio in an Archicad generated scene.

Tev6 Sm.jpg
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Cinema 4D 9.1 and Advance Render for Sale.

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It has been ages since I have posted. Just so you know, I am still kicking around. A little too busy lately with the new toy I invented, www.Qubits.com

However, never did post this render accomplished for a firm in Bend, Oregon - turned out alright - original was 6300x6300 pixels and it took 14 hrs with a Dual 2Ghz PowerPC G5. The building was an export from Sketch-Up, ground plane ArchiCAD and entourage, trees, people added in Cinema. Enjoy!