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Corrugated steel??

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Hello all,

I did some searching through the forum for this and couldn't find anything, which makes me think im overlooking something, and this is a simple question.. but... here it is.

I'm in the middle of designing a building which uses corrugated steel decking as a wall cladding material, something which isnt all that uncommon IMHO, but I can't seem to find a corrugated steel texture anywhere... I'm sure I could make one myself, but was just wondering if there was something out there...

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Daniel wrote:
I'm sure I could make one myself, but was just wondering if there was something out there...

Tip to make one yourself:
In AC Lib you find Corrugated Sheets. Set all the parameters that you need for CS, generate 3d Model, render it and save as under any image extension to use as texture.
Thats a good tip - you can also explode the AC 9 library so that you have access to all the texture maps that it uses for materials. There are two different corrugated sheet materials under the "Roof 9" directory. You can than modify these as you need to. Or just use them as they are in the library. They are under the Object Library/ [TImg] Textures/Roof 9.

Hope this helps.
RA 2012 x64, Piranesi 6 Pro, Sketchup 8, Windows 7 Pro x64, Intel Core i7, 10GB RAM, ATI Radeon Mobile 5870
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Thanks a load for the replies, I think I will just use the texture from the AC9 Lib, but now I have another silly question... how do I explode the library ?

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Daniel wrote:
Thanks a load for the replies, I think I will just use the texture from the AC9 Lib, but now I have another silly question... how do I explode the library ?

1.Go to
...\Program Files\Graphisoft\ArchiCAD 9\ArchiCAD Library 9

2. double click on "Object Library 9.pla"

3. AC9 will be started and "Open Archive Project" dialog will appear. Choose "Extruct Elements to a Folder" option. Click on Extruct Button.

4. Select where you want the lib be extructed

then just explore extructed library and have fun!

Good luck
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so simple

thanks again for the help.

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just an FYI, what I ended up doing was creating two seperate wall composites, one which has a concrete veneer on it, which is the exterior finish of the building, save for where there is corrugated steel. Then I created a second composite, without the veneer, which leaves the wall thinner, so I can place a GDL object ontop of the wall... hope that makes sense...

below is a floor plan view, and a rendered view of an example of what I did. Let me know if you guys have a better idea on how do this.


EDIT: just so I don't get eaten alive.... those arent the actual wall composites I used... I just threw those together for an example...
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I'm creating a vaulted roof at the moment that needs to have corrugated zinculum on the top.
Is there not a predefined lightworks shader that can do this? or do I need to do as described above and just use a texture. Would this need a bump map applied? I'm pretty new to lightworks so pointing me in the right direction with bump maps etc would be most appreciated
neil wrote:
I'm creating a vaulted roof at the moment that needs to have corrugated zinculum on the top.
Is there not a predefined lightworks shader that can do this? or do I need to do as described above and just use a texture. Would this need a bump map applied? I'm pretty new to lightworks so pointing me in the right direction with bump maps etc would be most appreciated
you can do it with bump maps: search this forum for "textures" and you'll find links to many site with the kind of texture maps you'll need.

however, depending on the scale of the project, i would use the 'roof surfacer' tool for a better, more realistic presentation - particularly at the edges and junctions where, quite frankly, bump mapping things like this simply looks like the poor-man's alternative.

it can be found under Extras>Accesories>Roof Accessories... remember to select a roof first of course. additionally, you may be in possession of the NZTools pack from CADimage? there is another roof surfacer tool, called 'roof builder', which does a similar job, but is tailored specifically for the type of construction found in new zealand . . . and accessorises your roof with spoutings and gutters as well...

if your roof is huge you may not have a choice - surfacing a roof with something like a corrugated sheet takes up far more 3D processing power. you may get away with using the 'trapeziod' corrugations rather than the sinuous ones to ease the strain a bit...........

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
here's what I did.

add the texture to the displacement shader for zinc.
Dwight Atkinson