Good for you.
The "class" or the "seminar" or the "Day of juggling flaming chainsaws with Dwight" concepts are all the same: Eight hours of mind-bending LightWorks training combined with several Photoshop techniques to put ArchiCAD users at the forefront of what their software can do for quick illustrations.
The day is divided into four parts, like the book on which it is based:
1: Rendering: all the features of the new rendering engine.
2: Surfaces: material behavior relative to light, alpha channel masking, the archives - what they mean. Building a surface with shaders and textures.
3: Lighting: lighting development and scene lighting. Settings for illustrations: interior and exterior.
4:Tricks: Context insertions, Photoshop texturing and "PhotoDream" comcepts comgining sketchy textures and photoreal rendering.
This course has been a big success wherever it has been offered. I am just back from a dip into the Excited States and a month in New Zealand.
Upcooming Seminars include: Vancouver, Calgary, Austin, Dallas, Houston, Washington DC, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Chicago, Detroit and Cincinnatti. Call your reseller for details. Or call your reseller in other cities and ask for the seminar to come.
Later in the spring, I have Australia and Scandinavia in mind. Definitely the Netherlands.....
BTW: if you are in Australia, please e-mail me directly to see about doing a seminar in your city.
Dwight Atkinson