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Is possible to save and place perfectly orthogonal views +?

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I need to know if it is possible to place the floor plan and elevations as
perfectly orthogonal (flat) model views with colors? The top view doesn't work for what I need to do. It needs to be flat with the model colors so I can put
it exactly on top of the dimensioned floor plan.

The goal is to have a fully colored & dimensioned combination site and floor plan and fully colored & dimensioned exterior elevations.

The old fashioned way would be to print black or brown line prints and color by hand with markers...Ugh
Eduardo Rolon
Check the Surfaces applied to the Building Materials or if you have a renovation filter overriding stuff. If you are getting errors in generating the 3D it might also affect that. Also make sure that your "Layer Set" is not setting the model to hidden line.
Screen Shot 2016-05-15 at 9.10.31 PM.png
Eduardo Rolón AIA NCARB
AC28 US/INT -> AC08

Macbook Pro M1 Max 64GB ram, OS X 10.XX latest
another Moderator

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Hi, Why did you try making the 3d document from the plan view?
Check this.
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No, when I create the 3d document it creates and opens a floor plan view.
of the plan that I cut with a cutting plane. I did a screen shot of this above.
There is also a screen shot of the 3d view which when placed on a layout is
far to pixelated to be useful.
I did a google search for presentation floor plans produced with archicad and
none of them have dimensions strings. I don't think it's possible to do what I want to do in a truly professional way if only because the green background would hide the dimension strings. I thought about cutting holes in the layout
drawing and overlaying another layout with only the dimensions, but it wouldn't look good even if I could do it. the plan can be scaled exactly, but the 3d view only by %. I'm going to give up on this idea for now and provide the planning commission with un-colored noted & dimensioned plans and another set that are the colored 3d views without notes & dimensions.
arqrivas wrote:
Hi, Why did you try making the 3d document from the plan view?
Check this.
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Ok, I'll give you a trick here.
Save the 3d Document from the plan, make it a very big scale, make a dimension style with big numbers to fit the big scale of the 3d document.
Then place the 3d document in the layout and reduce the scale to the scale you need or want.
This will take a lot of pixelation, is not perfect as vectorial but it will look good enough hopefully.

PD: don't trust on the pixelation you will see in the Archicad window, publish to PDF and there you will see the real thing.
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This is a screenshot from the PDF published with the technique explained above. Just a quick test.