I guess the real issue is that in Archicad or most parametric modeling platforms you either have plan, section, or 3d and some hybrid of those within the matrix, though the issue with cutting a roof or anything that isn't perpendicular to the viewing plane is triganotery. Thus if I look at a roof in plan/elevation it is only giving me the distance of the A or B side but not the C side or the hypotnos. Now with this explaination how would you do this.
Previous projects with crazy angles and cuts I took all the pieces out one by one into Cinema 4d used gravity and droped them to the ground so they were laying there like pieces on the ground after blowing up your model, then I took them back into Archicad and cut out the redundant lines created by the intersection of the pieces.
I have tried to take the object create a gdl version then rotate (via alterations to the gdl script).
In reality this shouldn't be that hard to figure out. Though this is where I think it becomes difficult for one to be totally autonomous with just Archicad and C4D. You can't just necessarily create a easy physical model from your Archiad using a CNC, LASER Cutter or 3d Printer! Can you?
Archicad 25 (5005), Windows 11, AMD RYZEN 7 3900 (64 GB RAM)