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Lightworks rendering

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Question: I have had the lightworks rendering engine for two weeks now. I can get reflections in mirrors very nicely. However, the mirror will not take light from the sunobject, and reflect it from the mirror surface and cast in on the floor. Is this possible with a setting I don't know about?
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Just guessing, but can you fake it with a "window light" pointed in the right direction, soft shadows off? Or some other form of direct lighting?
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Thanks for the reply. I think I was expecting more from this lightworks than is there. I spent several hours toying with every setting I could find, in the materials attributes, in the lightworks rendering settings, and in the parameters for the sunobject and windowlights and came up with nothing. I've attached the test view that I was playing with, hoping that the light from the sunobject, picking up the panes from the window it was shining through, would then cast the squares of light across the rug, having reflected them off the mirror on the door. Maybe next version.
Closet View Test.jpg
Karl Ottenstein
Moderator Emeritus
Just FYI, Artlantis R will not reflect the light the way you want either AFAIK.

AC 28 USA and earlier   •   macOS Sequoia 15.3.1, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB
In the old days of sharp shadows, one of our more clever colleagues made a fuzzy shadow object: a stretchy bitmap that could be placed on the floor under a piece of furniture.

This reminded me of the Bugs Bunny cartoon where Yosemite Sam had the portable dimension-distorting ink blot that could be thrown into the path of pursuers and retrieved once they had fallen through.

Perhaps our friend can make a glowing mirror light object: you'd lay it down on a surface you wanted to be bright.
Dwight Atkinson
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Funny you should mention the Yosemite Sam holes. That was going to be my next ploy, i.e. to cut holes in the floor (rug) in the required light shapes and replace them with much lighter rug material slabs. It would mean a return to the days of graphic shadow casting as done in architecture school. But I don't think I have the time for that.
Thanks for the info.
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i'm new in render with Lightworks of ArchiCad 9... but i found it good... here's one render, made with test-and-mistakes process... what i'm asking is IF THERES A GOOD TUTORIAL of HOW to use the light elements of lightworks....

If you remember, AC shown and amazing render of an interior, in a ¿tatami-style?, rendered with Lightworks, it looks GREAT with sof shadows and all the stuff... but they don't tell us HOW TO DO IT!! jeje.. well i'm not new using archicad, i'm from Peru and i think this software is the BEST of all.. (for architectural modeling... because i use C4D for rendering ....) well i hope you can help me...
Karl Ottenstein
Moderator Emeritus
arki-beto wrote:
what i'm asking is IF THERES A GOOD TUTORIAL of HOW to use the light elements of lightworks...
Yes...for $90 retail, coming soon (within weeks): Dwight Atkinson's LightWorks book gives this and much more.

His sections on lights are superb, working the user through all types of lighting including surprising things that nobody would have thought the particular lights were capable of.

Profusely illustrated, sequences of experiments demonstrate the effects of the various controls for each light type, easily saving the reader dozens of hours of trial and error. If you knew what to try. (We all know how to err.) Dwight shows which settings (or ranges) to use and how to properly illuminate a scene.

The book will be a must-buy for anyone working with LW in ArchiCAD.

AC 28 USA and earlier   •   macOS Sequoia 15.3.1, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB
Rakela Raul
"LightWorks In ArchiCAD:"
place your orders now for the August 25, 2005 printing date
MACBKPro /32GiG / 240SSD
AC V6 to V18 - RVT V11 to V16
Goes to the printer Friday, all right. Can't say how long they are going to take over there. A busy time for printers, it seems. There's a problem with my test file. "Transparent RGB artifacts." Got to figure that out soon.

The wait will soon be over and when the printing issues are resolved, I will formally announce that I am taking orders.

There are many orders already and I thank those early supporters for their advance payments. This was a bigger and longer project than I thought and I used their money for food, not whiskey.

At any event, after the book announcement, we are off to ArchiCAD University where I will have a color proof of all 224 pages to share and to Dublin where the gang there is having me in for an all-day seminar. We'll be back in Vancouver September 20 and I expect to ship that week.

I'll make an outline for all ArchiCAD TALK users over the weekend so you all can see what a priceless resource this book will be.
Dwight Atkinson