About built-in and 3rd party, classic and real-time rendering solutions, settings, workflows, etc.

Living Room Interior (WIP)

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My work in progress. I would like some questions and comments on it. I also have an animation of this room that i did. If you wanna check it out just pm me for a link.

Living Room.JPG
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Shingo wrote:
Hi Kjverine

I like the materials that you have used.

Just something I noticed - the camera angle for this shot seems a little weird because everything seems to be in a "pyramid" kind of slant towards the ceiling. I had such comments from people before about my renderings when I started giving it a go, and found that I have to tilt the roll angle higher to straighten things out.
Just a thought,
since our eyes' cone of vision is about 55 degrees (though the point of focus is a real tiny dot,a pont in fact and we see everything by cont. scanning everything constantly (literally like painting with a spraygun), we end up seeing a great deal more than what the camera'd let you see, in terms of 3d expanse. one of the things we all end up doing is trying to jam as much into one image as possible ( the room, the furniture on the sides, the floor, the ceiling, everything that's been put there) in real world we'd not see all of it togather but bit by bit, but our brain would patch it togather seamlessly. Now a picutre is a different thing because it let's you see all of it at one go, and thus resembles something that is contrived. (or rather doesn't resemble real world) so to cut a long story short, i've found it quite useful to have only two corner walls, making up a backdrop of a two point interior perspective and moving the camera far away. And then zooming in to the frame I want. This way I don't have to use a wide angled lens and the image looks a little more realistic.
Of course too much distance/zoom and the resultant image looks like cutouts ( as seen from binoculars) but with a little trial and error it gives good results.
Of course you can't have sunlight streaming through the parts where the walls were meant to be. so you have to depend on lamp lights.
