About built-in and 3rd party, classic and real-time rendering solutions, settings, workflows, etc.

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O.K., I can't believe it. Two grown men acting like kids.

Ivan for pulling his images and Djordje for slapping him on the wrist for posting them.

Duffus both.

#1. This is a place to be helpful, inspiring and friendly.

#2. The rules are set up for posting and as long as you are within those technical rules then post all you want. Last time I looked at my watch it was May 18, 2004 - DSL and Modem are common and if you are not with it, then you are the one who needs to think twice before reading this web site. The tail does not wag the dog.

Go ahead and edit my post.

Moderator Emeritus
Burginger wrote:
O.K., I can't believe it. Two grown men acting like kids.

Ivan for pulling his images and Djordje for slapping him on the wrist for posting them.

Duffus both.

#1. This is a place to be helpful, inspiring and friendly.

#2. The rules are set up for posting and as long as you are within those technical rules then post all you want. Last time I looked at my watch it was May 18, 2004 - DSL and Modem are common and if you are not with it, then you are the one who needs to think twice before reading this web site. The tail does not wag the dog.

Go ahead and edit my post.

Well, Mark ...

1. I would not ask for the resizing of the images if there were no complaints; there were complaints, and despite the excellence of the work, the sheer size of the images made it extremely slow to use the Forum on a slower dialup. This had nothing to do with slapping the wrist. It was merely ASKING to be considerate to fellow Talkers. Him or anyone else.

2. If Ivan felt so offended by my request that he felt that his images should be pulled, without previous discussion to try to resolve the situation, well, nothing I can do there but regret his decision, as the quality of his work is, to put it mildly, staggering.

I for one am very sad because of his decision, and feel that the Forum lost a lot.

Last time I looked at a headline of a local newspaper it was Rabi Ul Awwal 1425, which is the same where Ivan is ... so don't measure everything by your yardstick. As you rightly said, this is a place to be helpful, inspiring and friendly.

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen
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One way of responding:

From now on, please post just the link. People who want to see will see. If you want to post the image, reduce it.

This is for the benefit of the Talkers on slow dialup connections.

Another way:

Great image, thanks and yes a tutortial would be very interesting.

I have received several requests that the posted images download slowly for dialup connections. Due to this I will be changing the discussion group settings so that images larger than 2,000 bytes are resized in the post. As time goes by we will fine tune the new ArchiCAD-TALK to the benefit of all users.

Looking forward to your future posts.
Not applicable
Djordje wrote:
1. I would not ask for the resizing of the images if there were no complaints; there were complaints...
As this is the Presentation - Rendering and Multimedia forum, wouldn't it be wiser to place a "disclaimer" in the Forum Index that would explaining that downloading and viewing times will be sloooow for dial-up connections. It sucks to get complaints, but put them in perspective...they are coming from people that lack the technological advancements that many in this forum enjoy....

Seriously...Does anyone take seriously any complaints from AC6.5 or 7.0 users that their software lacks capabilities earned in 8.1? What do we tell them...

Djordje wrote:
I for one am very sad because of his decision, and feel that the Forum lost a lot.
sad indeed...
Moderator Emeritus

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen
"Richard Schlangen" wrote:


I'd love to upgrade!
I'm a full time architectural renderer using Archicad and Cinema 4D for images and animations. Because I choose to live 90km from the centre of 'civilisation', our great phone company cannot provide broadband internet access. I'm not prepared to move just to get good service so I deal with the hassle. On most other posts, the images/animations are linked to a seperate web site so I download stuff overnight or go make a coffee because I have the choice of looking or not.
Yes, lots of the world has good connections but you shouldn't dismiss all the 'other' folk who CAN'T get the connection and besides, the mountain lifestyle is a bit more important to me.
Luckily forums like this one, CGArchitect etc all have rules for uploading images and users should stick to them. When everyone has a choice of access, then the limits can be increased.

Warwick Lloyd-Martin
3 D E N V I R O N M E N T
Windows 11 Pro 64bit
ArchiCad 4.55>27 AUS
Lumion 12.5/2023
D5 Render
Not applicable

i am too on DialUp 56k modem

but i wait 2 time one time for upload for you can See something

and 2 time for check that Link of Work for i am sure all work

i not see any problem wit 150 200k Images but that is your problems

i will be happy if you post your work for see on 640x460 A0 rendered on 3000 or 4000

thanks for attentions

Sorry for my bad english

and second thing

get off all spywhares toryans horses and viruses from your PC who EATING your transfer i mean that can help you

PS. Opening to many Browser pages get a lots of memory and may be for that your Network is to slow

i mind help you .)
IvanG wrote:

i am too on DialUp 56k modem

but i wait 2 time one time for upload for you can See something

and 2 time for check that Link of Work for i am sure all work

i not see any problem wit 150 200k Images but that is your problems

i will be happy if you post your work for see on 640x460 A0 rendered on 3000 or 4000

thanks for attentions

Sorry for my bad english

and second thing

get off all spywhares toryans horses and viruses from your PC who EATING your transfer i mean that can help you

PS. Opening to many Browser pages get a lots of memory and may be for that your Network is to slow

i mind help you .)
G'day IvanG,
Firstly, don't apologise for your English, you should hear my second language!
I don't have any problem 150-200kb for images, I didn't get to see them and would appreciate if you sent them privatley, or better, repost them if possible, we 56k modem users do learn to be patient. I don't know how big the original files were or how many there were. If there were 2 or 3 @200kb it would take me about 2-3 mins to download, not a great problem, but I have experience forum members trying to attach 30MB animations and freezing the system.
I also certainly wouldn't send down a full print render of 3000 pixels due to copyright infringent, Ive seen examples of my work printed out by others and claimed as there work, so for me it's always small images or large images with logos all over it.
Also, thanks for the note on trojans etc. This machine is only 2 weeks old with full protection (hopefully) and I have a new email address as I was getting sick of all the spam and viruses I'd been getting on my 8 year old email address.
(ignore address below, I'll update it after sending this note)
Warwick Lloyd-Martin
3 D E N V I R O N M E N T
Windows 11 Pro 64bit
ArchiCad 4.55>27 AUS
Lumion 12.5/2023
D5 Render
Moderator Emeritus
IvanG wrote:
i not see any problem wit 150 200k Images but that is your problems
Thanks for posting the link to the Web site! I took the liberty of renaming the topic as it was not clear what the topic is about.

Don't worry about the English, the renderings speak enough.

The images gallery is at

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen
Not applicable
Wokka wrote:
I'd love to upgrade!
I hate being the ugly american...even in Idaho USA I am arrogant.......

forgive me...?