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Photorealism with Photoshop

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I will like to share this, I was looking for video tutorials, to get more knowledge of the software that I use. It´s more helpful to see a video than read a book.

I hope someday, Dwight can have a video tutorial of his usefull tips, or anybody in this forum. It would be great, aslo with artlantis.

http://movielibrary.lynda.com/html/modPage.asp?ID=66 if this link doesn´t work. go to www.lynda.com on the search write:Photorealism with Bert Monroy

Good lock

David W
Since all rendered images need Photoshop, even LightWorks images, Photoshop figures heavily in my soon finished book. The book addresses two imaging avenues: the remedial and the enhancing.

Some images need to be fixed: removal of black, graduated fills to fix composition and exposure issues, some noise added to disguise bad modeling and general brightening to eradicate gloom.

Some images beg to be enhanced - an infinite topic - with graduated patterns and textures. I will be explaining the three step to ecstacy method using and obscuring basic Photoshop filters for unique and subtle effects.

ArchiCAD Talkers should also know my plans to partner in a seminar tour with several ArchiCAD resellers and other sponsors over the next year - ask your reseller to bring me in. My teaching proceeds from a series of sophisticated illustrations presented as slides that work through illustration challenges step-by-step. It could be a self-directed Powerpoint lesson.... I feel this is better than video because it doesn't burn any time like the videos I've seen, even the wonderful Total Training videos that accompany Photoshop.

Attached is the latest rendering from one of the last exercises in the book called candle light and crystal, matched with the real life equivalent from MY bathroom - of course, I can't afford granite counter tops like those snooty condopeople. And my tea lights are cast glass unlike the wondrous uber-swarovski crystal created in LightWorks.
Dwight Atkinson
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Dwight, thanks for your wise comments, I allready have illustration in AC, and believe it really helps, great examples, thanks to this book I get Piranesi, and more knowledge of new techniques.

And congratullations for your new book, I saw an example on http://www.parch.com/ and I like it, I think this is a very helpful tool to understand much better how to work pro.

Is there any other book that you have, I´m interested in have it. I´m thirstyfor learning.

Best Regards,

JokeTelling in ArchiCAD is a recap of my postings here on ArchiCAD TALK. It is due soon, too.
Dwight Atkinson