The Style Browser is like Favorites in AC. Use that to quickly get familar with the program. A typical work flow for me would be to:
1. Put in People and Trees. Learn how to get the shadows to fall correctly
2. Save the Piranesi File and the Cutouts (people and trees) as seperate files In case you want to come back to this point. Piranesi has Undo but is limited to RAM
3. Rerender and Burn-in your cut-outs
4. Use the beyond photorealisim tutorials in the style browser to try different effects.
I typically Pour White over everything.
Outline everything with lines
Then restore the color back from the orig.
You will see this in the beyond Photorealism tutorial. HTH
David Pacifico, RA
AC27 iMac i9, 32 gig Ram, 8 gig video Ram