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Placing realistic people in renderings

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I am doing a video of my building and I am searching for more realistic people than the archicad library can provide me with.

What do you use in your videos.????

If I should make still pictures I would use Photoshop, and then place realistic pictures of people. But have no idea what to do in videos.!!
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Is there not anyone with some advice, about using people in animations.??
1 - If you insist doing this in ArchiCAD, use alpha-mapped pictures of people.

2 - If you have access to other 3D-software, that might be easier: e.g. Cinema4D, 3ds max, ...
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
my Archicad Book
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How do you place alpha channel people in archicad.??
See the manual/help files.
It's like the photographic trees...

Make a new material.
Use a bitmap using an alpha-channel (e.g. TIFF, PNG, TGA, PSD)
Enable it's Transparancy option in the Material Settings.
Use that on a short wall or column.
Adjust the texture size.

(More info in the book from Dwight Atkinson. Check ParaPicture in the ArchiCAD library.)
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
my Archicad Book
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Thanks I will give it a try.!
There are commercial products for animated figures - check Marlin.

The RPC products aren't for ArchiCAD.
Dwight Atkinson
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Thanks, Dwight I have tried with RPC and without any luck. So that explains why.!!!

By the Dwight can you give me some advice to improve this picture.?
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Hey I aint no expert, but the ceiling looks too bright and white to me.
and who would have an archicad picture on the wall
Now that Lennox is holding its arms, Wacky Dwight Slays the piece:

-- There is no such thing as white - do not make highly reflective white surfaces - use color or texture to reduce reflectance.
-- way too much light in the scene. Turn off the bulb over your head because this isn't a new idea you just had. This scene has the charm of a turn-of-the century flash powder shot.
-- review all materials - floorboards crappy - table glass should be a slab with edge glass of higher refraction
-- suspended chin-up bar too low. Are you a dwarf?
-- lose those bitmap flowers - use a 3D dried arrangement instead.
-- eliminate glare on glass.
-- enhance sunlight effects thru windo
-- this is an icky space - how would you improve the softness of the design?
-- how to compose viewpoint and furniture to invite rather than exclude the viewer? think of the conversation space and how to make the viewer a part of it... shift viewpoint to right and see outside more.
-- wall paintings too bright - add color through light and furnishings, not paintings.
-- never look at the ceiling - only drunks look at the ceiling.
nothing there to look at - good because it stops the spinning room effect.
Dwight Atkinson