Now that Lennox is holding its arms, Wacky Dwight Slays the piece:
-- There is no such thing as white - do not make highly reflective white surfaces - use color or texture to reduce reflectance.
-- way too much light in the scene. Turn off the bulb over your head because this isn't a new idea you just had. This scene has the charm of a turn-of-the century flash powder shot.
-- review all materials - floorboards crappy - table glass should be a slab with edge glass of higher refraction
-- suspended chin-up bar too low. Are you a dwarf?
-- lose those bitmap flowers - use a 3D dried arrangement instead.
-- eliminate glare on glass.
-- enhance sunlight effects thru windo
-- this is an icky space - how would you improve the softness of the design?
-- how to compose viewpoint and furniture to invite rather than exclude the viewer? think of the conversation space and how to make the viewer a part of it... shift viewpoint to right and see outside more.
-- wall paintings too bright - add color through light and furnishings, not paintings.
-- never look at the ceiling - only drunks look at the ceiling.
nothing there to look at - good because it stops the spinning room effect.
Dwight Atkinson