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Rendering Trees in Lightworks

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Hi All,

Recently I have been working to upgrade the landscape in my renderings (inspired by Dwight's trees). When using the Garden Works 3D trees, I get much better results with the internal rendering engine than I do with light works. In my renderings, it seems lightworks isn't as good as the internal engine when it comes to "knocking out" the multiple billboards that make up the leaves on the trees. Can anyone give me a tip on how to get lightworks to better render 3D trees?

Lightworks rendered tree attached.



Tree Lightworks.jpg
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Same tree rendered with the internal engine...
I tried it with a default bitmap tree from ArchiCAD and the anti-aliasing settings can make a difference, but it also seems that the image object gets rendered in a strange way: mapping problems occur and the surface is reflective, where it should, in fact, be unaffected by the lightsources.

It is better when I set the object to use the object's material, but the halo around the image is not gone.

Seems to be some bugs. Maybe it's in the GDL code, since there the real LightWorks commands are passed through the engine.

The Garden Trees are written a long time ago (IIRC) and they might not be compatible with LightWorks.
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
my Archicad Book
Moderator Emeritus
Did you guys try updated GardenWorks library from GDL Central?

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen
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yes - udpated and installed the new verson last night. The renderings I posted are with the new verson
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Did you make the render with the best quality settings ? It makes a big difference when using textures ...
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ArchiBAM doesn't work for my AC 9.
Shall I update?
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Thanks Martin - changing to best settings (anti aliasing & rendering) seemed to solve the problem. Attached is a rendering of garden works trees (3D) with lightwork,so the updated garden works library does well with AC 9.