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Post your wishes about Graphisoft products: Archicad, BIMx, BIMcloud, and DDScad.

Composites Level of Detail

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Changing the scale of the plan should change the way composites are displayed. A really complicated composite should be diplayed in full when in 1:20 scale or 1:50 but when we are displaying a 1:100 plan the composite should be simplified in a control way. Maybe Composites could have this sort of setting like label zones appear different for every scale and there are different settings for each scale.
Not applicable
Isn't it what MVO can already do?
Tough I think this could be more useful in Complex Profiles.
@Braza This is another GS confusion because Full / Medium / Low can be applied at any scale through MVO, whereas controlling the displayed contents by the drawing scale is more of an absolute. To evolve ideally each element would display its contents according to the presentation scale. I sometimes wonder if three MVO ranges are enough if you consider an element can be present in a drawing from 1:1 to 1:1000 scale. I think you suggested elsewhere that this could be done by algorithm where data is lost according to scale. I like that idea. In the case of the OP, assuming the composite is appropriately assembled then it shouldn't be too difficult to start merging layers that are all the same e.g. Core layers before absorbing Other and Finishes. The simple test would be at 1:X scale would you expect to be able to see the individual skin.
Apple iMac Intel i9 / macOS Sonoma / AC27UKI (most recent builds.. if they work)
Not applicable
@DGSketcher When I talk about MVO controlling composites LOD, I meant the solid single fill for composite walls. Which I think was papsphilip's wish. I think Full/Medium/Low applies only for Objects, therefore have now effect on walls. The thing is that, in BIM, scale is not directly related with LOD. I found here a good source of information on LOD within BIM. For me, it makes sense to separate scale from LOD.
Thanks Braza, I wondered where the LOD 400 references were coming from and it helps clarify the potential workflow using the MVO. However LOD only seems to relate to taking the model from concept to probably 1:50 representation. My concerns lie with the world beyond e.g 1:5 detailing. I accept that currently technology suggests building modelling only work down to 1:50 to keep polygon counts manageable. However we do have tools that have the potential to store much greater levels of detail, as implied by the OP, for 2D representation. What I am suggesting is GS could develop a plan / section cut presentation technique for live details. It would basically thin out data content according to scale and would work with composites and complex profiles. I think we would all like to avoid drawing things twice, so the prospect of taking a live section anywhere at any scale and having CPs displayed correctly straight off has much appeal. And when you decide to change your CP to include Product-X all your section drawings could automatically update.
Apple iMac Intel i9 / macOS Sonoma / AC27UKI (most recent builds.. if they work)
Minh Nguyen
Graphisoft Alumni
Graphisoft Alumni
Hi All,

Thank you very much for creating this poll, and for those of you who voted to express their opinion.

This one might be quite tricky to implement, as others have pointed out. Nevertheless, I am happy to say that this is an existing request in our WishList database (please refer to it as Wish #10571). Hopefully, our Product Management team will adopt this one in the future.

Thank you all once more, and I wish you a great day!

Best regards,

Minh Nguyen
Technical Support Engineer

Hello everyone,


If I may add my point of view. I think it would be super idea to be able to control LOD of composit structures. Currently partial skin display is limited..

It would be interesting for example that in composite dialogue settings we set LOD by defining scale range. For example Vapour membrane (scale range in which is shown and scale when is stop being visible).


That way drawings will be tied to the scale, and will be graphically clean.




Versions 13 to 25
CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core
GPU: RTX 2080Ti
Windows 11