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Cover & Background Fills for Beams

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Beams should have Cover Fills and Background Fills!
There should be different fills for Cover Fill and Cut Fill, like Slabs, and not like Walls, where the fill is the same!

Right now I am modelling a pergola and I have to use the Fill Tool to cover the beam so it could be clear which one is above the other. I lost as much time drawing the Fills as making the Beams!
David Maudlin
Steven wrote:
They did add a hole option though...
Actually, been there since at least version 7.

David Maudlin / Architect
Digital Architecture
AC27 USA • iMac 27" 4.0GHz Quad-core i7 OSX11 | 24 gb ram • MacBook Pro M3 Pro | 36 gb ram OSX14
I agree, am coming upon a need for this more and more often.
Bill Szustak RA

Principal, Springboard Design

ArchiCAD 25, macOS Ventura 13.4.1
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I've been struggling with the problem of no cover fill in the Beam Tool. When I couldn't get overlapping joist to block out beams below using the Beam Tool I resorted to using the Joist Beam library part.
Similarly, I use the Roof Tool to create pitched roof rafters and purlins where needed.
This problem combined with the problem that beams do not display the X (for beams and joists) or / (for blocking) in the section view leaves me wonder what good is the beam tool.
I'm surprised to see these features not fixed in ArchiCAD v15.

I like the fact that the Beam Joist tool can show the X and / marks in sections view. This saves a 2D step that should be automatic (IMHO) in the Beam Tool.
The problem have with the Joist Beam library part is that it somehow gets unstable and difficult to select. This especially happens late at night when I'm on a tight deadline.

Please let me know if there is a more elegant or more effective way to model beams, joists, rafters and purlins so they show up properly in all of the 2D views.

My vote goes to this being an extremely important feature to fix in ArchiCAD. Seeing the number of very experienced ArchiCAD consultants asking for it for such a long time makes me wonder why this has not already been fixed.
beam and joist solution.png
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Here is my solution for using the Roof Tool to create 3D rafters and purlins that show up properly in the plan view. Unfortunately, when I use the Roof Tool for framing members I still need to apply a 2D X or / in the section view.
I'd rather be surfing than doing 2D work in "one of the most advanced 3D BIM CAD programs on the planet". 😉
roof rafter and purlin solution.jpg
Not applicable
Cover fills on beams are critical for generating ceiling plans! I increasingly use complex profiles as beams for many elements in a project. We need to accomplish as much as possible with 3D tools rather than having to patch things up with 2D fills and lines in plan. The roof tool works OK unless you want complex profiles. We also need beams to show as solid or dashed in the Model View Options for times when we want them to show as dashed on the floor plan but solid on the ceiling plans.
Potato Farmer
Like the OP I'm modeling a pergola and came a-searchin hoping that after so many years fighting this I might find a better way. Just bloody depressing.
Geoff Briggs
I & I Design, Seattle, USA
AC7-27, M1 Mac, OS 14.x
Gary Lawes
Would I be right in thinking this is still a limitation in R16?

I must confess I do not use the beam tool due to its 2D limitations, which is a shame as it should be a usable tool.

But just checked it out on R16 and I am still finding it difficult to generate anything meaningful in 2D - I just get the centreline. Or am I missing something?
AC 17
Windows 7 Pro
Intel i7-2600
David Maudlin
Gary wrote:
But just checked it out on R16 and I am still finding it difficult to generate anything meaningful in 2D - I just get the centreline. Or am I missing something?
Check your Model View Options > Options for Construction Elements > Show Beam As:

David Maudlin / Architect
Digital Architecture
AC27 USA • iMac 27" 4.0GHz Quad-core i7 OSX11 | 24 gb ram • MacBook Pro M3 Pro | 36 gb ram OSX14
Gary Lawes
Thanks David,
Never thought to try it, sure takes a lot of effort to try to get into the mind of a GS interface designer!
Still no 2D fills!!
AC 17
Windows 7 Pro
Intel i7-2600
Geof Gainer
My ideal beam would be one with cover fill, along with a cut symbol in sections -- indicating blocking, continuous or finish.

That's been discussed on other forums. Similarly simple to achieve, similarly forever in the making.
AC fan since v 7. Currently on AC 26 Build 5003 USA FULL Apple Silicon,. 2022 Mac Studio, 32G ram. OS X 12.6.2