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Post your wishes about Graphisoft products: Archicad, BIMx, BIMcloud, and DDScad.

Need to link Point Cloud instead of import

  1. I would like to suggest that point cloud import in model little tricky and problematic while import in BIMcloud model. That time z value is not coming accurately, then we need to again import and check in to local model, then copy value and paste it in cloud model. So, we need to focus on linking instead of importing and it should be based on by shared coordinates (like Revit).
  2. ArchiCAD bundle should be in one without any third-party vender plugins. If someone need Architecture and reinforcement modeling in same, so we need to purchase that third-party addon for doing same. So Graphisoft should think about their own product in one bundle so that customer efficiency (same as Revit tool).
  3. When we create any custom truss by truss maker, it created as an object, so how we calculate truss members quantities in schedule? We also need to focus on custom type objects for creating schedules.