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2024 Technology Preview Program

2024 Technology Preview Program:
Master powerful new features and shape the latest BIM-enabled innovations

Post your wishes about Graphisoft products: Archicad, BIMx, BIMcloud, and DDScad.

Please Fix Bugs/Glitches

Patrick M

Not sure if this is a "wishlist" item or not... but Archicad bugs have been compounding for a few versions now. I have not had a single file since AC22 or 23 that DIDN'T have model view options go missing in the view map. This is not related to any changes to the MVO, or any other trigger I can pinpoint. I just know, at least 3-5x on every project, I will have to reissue because my floor plan showed up with "simplified windows" or "door/window markers off" all related to MVO going missing.


I have honestly lost all confidence in Archicad as a tool for design and documentation. Very basic things like dimensions going missing or showing incorrectly (yes, even in AC25), view settings randomly falling apart/disappearing, zones not showing up in the door/window schedules for no apparent reason.


This is not to mention the countless crashes that I have to deal with every day, if not every hour.


A big part of what I do for a living is trouble shoot these problems for architects; and I feel like a real **beep** when all I can tell my clients "sorry, the software kind of sucks some times". Many times, it does turn out that assumed bugs are due to user error; but I have personally witnessed the missing MVO and missing/incorrect dimension bugs with no obvious user caused trigger.


At the very least, we need to know that dimensions will not disappear and view settings are going to remain stable and not show "missing". If an architect has to review and redline every drawing for both drawing issues AND software issues, you have to ask, 'why are we even bothering with this tool?' Archicad used to be the most flexible, versatile, and reliable design and documentation tool on the market, but faith is dwindling in the product, if not completely lost on my end.


MVO Missing.png

BIM solutions and trouble shooting (self proclaimed) expert. Using Archicad 26 5002 US on Mac OS 11.5.2
Karl Ottenstein

Can I just check that this is really a bug?  Drawings are based on Views, as you know... and in the View Settings... absolutely EVERY setting must have a defined NAME or drop-down selection.  If ANY setting has the word "Custom" or "Missing" than you will have random results when that view is displayed and the drawing based on the view is placed or regenerated on a Layout.  This has been the case since the beginning of Archicad.

Immense care must be taken whenever re-naming layer combinations and other settings as the renaming can 'break' a view.  Some renaming is percolated through the project; other renaming is not.

Dimensions disappearing is often due to the renovation status active when the dimensions were created vs the renovation status saved with a view.  Even if the project does not intentionally use renovation filters, this must be checked.

If all of your View and Drawing settings (including every MVO reference) has a stored, named setting group... then have you submitted any of the problem files to tech support so that they can track down the issue?

One of the forum moderators
AC 27 USA and earlier   •   macOS Ventura 13.6.7, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB

I have also experience this especially when i'm using teamwork like most of the time when sending and receiving changes or launching Archicad then receiving changes the model view options usually goes "missing" not sure whats going on but just added another step every time exporting docs out like do a check for this "missing" MVO but then again who has the time to do all of this... 

- not sure if it is a bug or just user problems... 🤔

In the end what is your Objective?
ArchiCAD 9 onwards

None of this has ever happened to me and I've been on every version from 15 to 24.

But I've also never used teamwork.

The only time v24 crashes is if I do something stupid with a test object.

I have all custom fills and materials if that somehow makes a difference.

Responded to the wrong post at first.

Jeff Griffin

I have also had random portions of dimension strings go missing, and often. It's very frustrating, and certainly can't be attributed to renovation filters or partial structural display, both of which I am very familiar with. I wish it were that easy, but it's definitely a glitch and I hope that it gets fixed soon.

iMac 27 (2020) 3.8 GHz Core i7; 128 GB RAM; Radeon Pro 5700 XT 16 GB GPU (macOS Sonoma)
MacBook Pro M1 Max; 64 GB RAM; 32-Core GPU (macOS Sonoma)
ArchiCAD 27/26/25 Full (latest builds). User since AC12 (2008).

if this isn't a "bug", then they have a flawed design feature. I can almost replicate the issue consistently. I know for 100% certainty that my MVO's are not "Custom" (since that's not even possible any more), and I know I haven't deleted any MVO so they are not "missing". I just had to go back and reset all mvo's in my view map after I published a final PDF and realized that windows/doors/ and their markers were missing in my floor plan but showing in my site plan and framing plans. I am almost certain it is somehow tied to opening a view from the drawing/layout, then switching the viewpoint in the view map, then going back to the layout. I didn't even have view settings reserved. Dimensions go missing because of a whole range of triggers; but most irritably they are just randomly missing. I have also run into dimensions randomly sticking to other snap points. The dimension glitches/bugs are so wide ranging it's almost impossible to figure out what the triggers could be. When they don't show at all, I often times just delete everything in a given viewpoint and immediately undo and they often resurface; but you can imagine how nerve wracking that "fix" is... and how annoying it is when I have to go through and review pdf's for AC glitches instead of just drawing errors.


BIM solutions and trouble shooting (self proclaimed) expert. Using Archicad 26 5002 US on Mac OS 11.5.2

if it is a user error issue, it is a problem with the software that something a user can do will cause them to go missing so randomly.

BIM solutions and trouble shooting (self proclaimed) expert. Using Archicad 26 5002 US on Mac OS 11.5.2

I work with approximately 80-100 AC users on a given week, and I would say at least half have been struggling with dimension and view setting glitches. So I can definitely recognize it is not an absolute. Could be teamwork only, but most of my .pln projects that I work on have also had the missing MVO bug. Maybe a mac vs pc thing? I don't know.

BIM solutions and trouble shooting (self proclaimed) expert. Using Archicad 26 5002 US on Mac OS 11.5.2

yes! it is absolutely aggravating and embarrassing to hear from a contractor or plans examiner that I missed some dimensions only to find out I glanced over an interior elevation or reflected ceiling plan a little to quickly to notice a string was missing or partially missing... dimensions are almost the most fundamental and critical part of a document set, and Archicad apparently is no longer a reliable documentation tool if they can not provide reliable and stable dimension tools!

BIM solutions and trouble shooting (self proclaimed) expert. Using Archicad 26 5002 US on Mac OS 11.5.2
Karl Ottenstein

So, I'll ask again... have any of you found a reproducible way to demonstrate these issues and shared your project file(s) with tech support to try and track this down ... or are you just hoping that by some miracle the programmers will come across the problem themselves?   They can't fix what they can't reproduce. 🤓


One of the forum moderators
AC 27 USA and earlier   •   macOS Ventura 13.6.7, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB

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