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Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.

Modules (Archicad), Groups, (Archicad & Sketchup) and Components (Sketchup)


I just completed a project using hotlinked modules for an apartment building in Archicad. I have had a good experience in setting up and managing the modules. But I also have experience working with Sketchup. Both AC and SU use Groups to help select multiple objects.


Archicad uses external files for modules and those modules can be repeated in a host file.


Archicad uses groups and you can group several groups into groups, but you cannot access nested groups as you can in Sketchup. I wish we could.


Sketchup can turn its groups into components. These components are somewhat like Archicad modules or Autocad blocks. However, in Sketchup components can have nested components and groups that can easily be edited in any instance and any nesting level. If any part of the nested component is modified all instances in the model file are also updated. Components are not like modules as they are not external files. Another nice thing about Components is that they can be animated by scripting and interactivity. In Sketchup I can double click any instance of a component and edit it or keep double clicking deeper into the component to edit. It is really easy to use and manage.


I wish that Archicad had Components to function as they do in Sketchup. The Modules have their place, as do library parts. But Components would fill a gap of easier functionality that is missing. (And while you are at it, update the Morph tool to function like Sketchup modeling. Morphs are too clumsy and difficult to use)


Groups in Archicad are not that helpful and nesting groups is nearly useless since the nesting is not accessible.


My wish is that Groups in AC would be improved and that named components as in Sketchup would also be incorporated. Such components could do much of what modules try to do only better, while allowing to edit the component in the model. 


If you know what I am talking about, feel free to add some clarity to this. I speak too briefly here to be helpful to explain this wish.


There is a huge gap in the management of groups that needs closed to meet even baseline modelling expectation. Hotlinking has its place in the modelling process and I am sure it will take a huge step up once the attribute management problems are solved, BUT grouping really is the weakest link in potential productivity improvements. I'm not sure if GS are overthinking the problem with attribute management and annotation concerns. Personally I would quite happily exclude 2D elements from an Advanced Grouping function, but I can see its use for other aspects of drawing. In reality, much like has been suggested with Sketchup, the requirement in simple terms is the ability to group & nest modelling elements and also use them as repeatable & unique components. Considering all the other things AC is capable of with Segmented Beams, Curtain Walls & GDL objects I don't see why this hasn't been addressed yet given the time it has been on the Wishlist.  


This has to be one of the most sought after features in Archicad. The day it happens will be one of joyous celebration! Please implement something like this or similar.


Hi Todd, any diagrams will help all of us understand better your wishes above.


With the goal of productivity improvement in the design process and optimization of the building industriy i guess we will see much more serialsation and repeating elements in the future. So our modeling tool has to support us on that path, with components being one aspect. 

Yes, it is worrying that the development focus seem to be on in-place hotlink management rather than proper grouping which should be a an easier fix with higher return. As you say - hotlinks definitely have their place in workflows but in most cases it actually doesn't make that much sense to being able to edit them inside the host as there should be a reason for them being separated from the model in the first place. The exception being when they are used as a workaround for the lack of proper grouping...


The notion of modelling building information without generic information entities is strange to say the least - the IFC structure is not taken out of thin air. Even without instancing the implementation of groups as property bearing information containers would have a real impact on BIM workflows in AC and hopefully help set the course for future developments.


Am I correct, that there is still nothing on the roadmap in this regard?




I can't believe this hasn't received more upvotes yet, this is basic essential modeling functionality that should have been (properly) implemented years if not decades ago. Hotlinks (or even saving custom objects) just feels like a half-finished attempt at this sort of thing.


Does anyone know what happened to this highly requested feature in archicads public roadmap? In-place-hotlink-editing was listed as a feature under research in the public roadmap when I checked just before the archicad 28 release. Now it seems to have completely disappeared from the entire roadmap! It's not listed under coming soon or progress or under research. Does graphisoft not understand how essential this is?!? Probably the most requested wish from us users since I started using archicad 10 years ago!


Apparently they do not understand its importance.

Or they do, but the development effort is too much and the decision is not to implement it.


Removing it silently from the roadmap without any notice is petty, a more transparent way would be to have a category for "things we won't do in the next few releases" so you won't hold your breath.


A more sinister approach would be to have the feature in the first real subscription-only version of Archicad to exert even more migration force on users – I wouldn't be surprised at this point, just look at the AI visualiser feature threads (SSA paying users got surprised, that only subscription licenses allow that feature to be used), and that is a non-essential feature, to put it mildly.

Shaun Coomber
Status changed to: On hold

Thank you for the suggestion and comments. Although the status is now "on hold", we are continually investigating this area for easier management, and potentially other improvements to working with instances.

On hold

with 70 Votes

Wish details