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We desperately need a built-in keynote system that allows for editing within a schedule (similar to door/window schedules), but also able to be tagged to a non-object such as detail drawing lines, fills, etc. and be searchable throughout the entire project - plans, worksheets, elevations, details, etc.  We want to be able to say that THIS THING (whatever, and wherever it is) is associated with THIS KEYNOTE, and to be able to find all those keynotes wherever they are and modify their data in a single location.


Graphisoft team, please consider this request.



This wish has made it onto our Product roadmap!


I think this is the way. I am doing the same, and just happened to find your post. 


The only issue with the multi point leader is the way the leader works is different from standard labels, so its a bit frustrating to have to learn to adjust differently. I am trying to work on adjusting the GDL to make the leader operate a little better myself. 

Richard Spracklen

I have developed a Keynoting addon that makes the most of Archicads properties and expressions. It still needs some Beta testing. Let me know if you are interested in a free trial.


Hi Richard,


Looks interesting I would be interested in a free trial 




Scheduelling labels that contain autotext, that's amazing...


This could be associated with properties export/import option, 

Can i have a test version please ?


I've watched the video a couple of times and at the end I cannot figure out where is the addon intergrated...

It feels like at the end what is scheduled are properties of the objects labeled for which no addon is needed.

Obviously I am missing something here so that is why I definetely need to check a beta for this.


as you said, it looks like he is scheduling properties, 

i use the same workflow, the main disadvantage is controlling KN visibility by layout, there are workarounds to fix this, 

let's wait and see ! 

Karel Landa

This is going to be a new feature in next version of AC, it's called Keynotes and can be found in Roadmap.
Let's hope it will have all features this threat asks for.


James B
Status changed to: Wish delivered
Hi All.
Thanks for your wish and feedback. In Archicad 28 we have introduced Keynotes, to simplify documentation workflows. You can find more details here in the Archicad 28 New Features guide.
Thanks for your continued feedback, and please keep them coming as we progress and evolve this area in the future.
Best regards,
James Badcock
Senior Product Manager
Eduardo Rolon

I would argue that this wish is "partially delivered" since as with many upgrades it is not even up to 80% functionality.

Until keynotes are linked to data from the model in addition to being "dumb text" this wish is not complete.

Wish delivered

with 62 Votes

Wish details