since ‎2008-05-01

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Hi, the Question is Can a user join an existing teamwork using a trail version at least during the trial period?
Hello, We had saved a file yesterday but today it could not be opened, neither the .bpn could be opened. It also failed to repair. on duplicating the .bpn it turned to 3.4GB (from 2.4 GB original size), While running the disk utility, it showed that ...
In an iMac, with OS 10.11.6, I am constantly getting error while installing BIM Server 17 prompting "error occurred during 'install module' process".I tried updating OS and stopping firewall, but since long i am unable to install.(BIM cloud server 18...
Hi, We just want to confirm the performance (before buying) of 13" Non-Retina MacBooKPro, 2.5GHz dual-core Intel Core i5, with 8GB RAM and SSHD (Fusion drive) for ArchiCAD 17 to 19. If anybody has Experience with it PLEASE SHARE. Thanks.
hi, I am looking for list of best recommended Lenovo Notebook models for ArchiCAD, medium to high range. Another question: Which series graphics cards are best suited for ArchiCAD? Thanks for Answers.
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