since ‎2018-01-15

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  • 17 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
  • 7 Likes given
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Hi, why does archicad cut out differently wall composite with slab and roof composite? I want my wall composite contact with the roof to be cut out the same way the slab is. I want brick to go up to the second insulation line, and the plaster to be c...
Hello, can someone please explain to me what is the deal with different pen sets in model view and in the layout book?? I am going crazy.. i have one pen set in model view and when i drag the drawing in the layout book it changes, but i pick the same...
Hello, does anyone know how to change description of a curtain wall - panel (in my case "Length (min 530)" in 3d - i dont want it to be seen on the panel. pictures are attached..i tried changing the settings 3d Representation to OFF but then the enti...
Hello, how do i connect walls with different fills as shown in the picture? the wall with one fill just automatically extends till the end of the other one and so does the fill, and therefore cuts the first fill?? Why doesnt it stop on the connecting...
Hello, how can i change zone parameters that are listed in the list? I have tried changing it in the set up list scheme but it wont change i have attached pictures.. for example- Measured area wont show at all,or the floor type.. i just cant seem to ...
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