Hiexcuse me but i didn't really understand what to do in your last
paragraph. My concern is to know how to handle effectivly such a
situation. Sometimes this is not due to using a element of old version
of archicad, it happens even if i start a proje...
Hi Thanks for your answers. But i don't relly know in wich part of the
surface setting i can fix it. However when i check the libraries setting
this is what i see So please i would like to know how to have the same
vizualisation that is in others ver...
Hi Mr Eduardo and Barry Once again thank you for all your contributions.
I finally found out the problem. I just needed to set the "Length unit"
to meters before placing the hotspots. I really appreciated your
responsiveness. It pushed me to move tow...
Hi Mr BarryOk i understand what you said. The tracker icon is under
"options" on the images that i sent. But the issue is about thickness,
not about length. I would like to solicit Mr Rolon to tell me precisely
under what heading I can adjust the thi...
Thanks Mr Rolon for your contribution. I have attached two images,
the first one highlights 15cm thick walls with configuration, that
connect hostpots. This is copied from archiCAD 19 project. The second
one also highlights 15cm thick walls with t...