HelloI really appreciate you using all means to help me. But what I was
trying to clarify is that the project I sent images for is started and
still being designed by Archicad 23. The second thing is that those
objects I sent screenshots for are down...
Hii'm still dealing with the same issue, but this time without using
different libraries objects. These are some object that i downloaded and
add to my project that i'm concepting with archicad23. So that's how it
displays sometimes, so pls help me t...
Hiexcuse me but i didn't really understand what to do in your last
paragraph. My concern is to know how to handle effectivly such a
situation. Sometimes this is not due to using a element of old version
of archicad, it happens even if i start a proje...
Hi Thanks for your answers. But i don't relly know in wich part of the
surface setting i can fix it. However when i check the libraries setting
this is what i see So please i would like to know how to have the same
vizualisation that is in others ver...
Hi Mr Eduardo and Barry Once again thank you for all your contributions.
I finally found out the problem. I just needed to set the "Length unit"
to meters before placing the hotspots. I really appreciated your
responsiveness. It pushed me to move tow...