Hi, i usually work on a 27" inch 4k display at 150% windows scaling and
with 2D antialiasing turned off. Half the lines are thick and blurry.
Scaling at 100% is a bit better but you can still see the the problem.No
problem at all with Archicad 25.
As Barry suggested, I sent an email to my local Archicad support
(italy). No answer from them. This could be not a critical issue but the
antialiasing is so bad i'm still on archicad 25 and i can't use version
26 i paid for. Right now the only soluti...
5 quick answers:1 - The cut plane heigght2 - No, it could be better
(italian version user)3 - I use it for every view that requires to show
different informations, tipically foundations view, interior plans, roof
plans uses different FPCP settings4 -...