since ‎2022-05-29
3 weeks ago

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  • 32 Posts
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Hi, Bit of a strange question. Is there some kind of global variable I can use to determine either which way a section / elevation is looking or the orientation of my object, in relation to the section / elevation I have open?To give some more contex...
Hi, Apologies if this has already been asked for, I couldn't find a similar post. I noticed that we could cut openings in the Roof Tool. Firstly, great feature. Can I make a wish for the Openings tool to be able to be used on a Shell? I do understand...
Hi, Does Archicad have property for "Category" for ifcMaterial, when Archicad Exports the assigned Building Materials on elements to IFC? I can see Archicad creates the ifcMaterial and defines the "Name" property, however it does not define the "Desc...
Hi, Is anyone else experiencing extremely slow speeds and lags with the new GDL tool in Archicad 27? I am experiencing this when I have 2 object tabs open and I try and write in any of the scripting windows. Copying and pasting script from one object...
Hi, How long has GDL had Regex functionality in Texts or Textblocks? I don't think I ever noticed it before. Is there a way to ask GDL to ignore the Regex language? Cheers,Shaun.